Coughing, lung worm?

Enchanted Sunrise Farms

Exploring the pasture
Jul 11, 2009
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When we adopted our wether in April, he had a cough. The lady we got him from said he was checked by a vet and it wasn't a problem. But when our doe developed a cough also, we took everyone to the vet. He said he wasn't able to test for lung worms in his office, but a reasonable course of action would be to treat for lung worms and see if that cures the cough. He also suggested keeping their pen area dry and free from excess hay, as that can trap moisture.

So we treated them for five days with Panacure. The vet said they will still cough for a while even after treatment ends. Now that it's been a month, not only are the two older goats still coughing, but now so is our 4 month old doe. So i called our vet. He said he isn't convinced that there isn't an environmental component to the cough, but that we can treat with ivermectin and see if that cures the cough. He said ivermectin is not considered especially effective in treating lung worms, but there are other types of worms that travel through the lungs during their life cycle. He is going to give me three drenches, as i told him i'm not comfortable doing injections.

But after a search on this site, i read a post about how it can be dangerous to use ivermectin as it can kill off worms quickly which could cause internal bleeding. Our three goats seem healthy otherwise, except for the cough. i checked their bottom eye lid and based on the Famacha chart they have pink to red lids, which appears to be acceptable if not optimal.

So, i'm confused. We are new to goats, only having these guys since April. Can anyone offer any advice or information? i'm not sure now if i should dose them with ivermectin.

Thanks for any guidance anyone might provide.


Overrun with beasties
Aug 8, 2009
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Yes, you can give Ivomec as your vet prescribes. Generally speaking it is very safe for goats.

A cough can be a problem honestly and it can be environmental, lungworm, worms, or it could be a bug that will have to run through your herd.
I would keep pushing the vet to continue with testing so that you can get to the bottom of the issue.
There is a PHM pneumonia vaccine out for goats. I would ask your vet about putting that vaccine into the program as well.