I have 1 HUGE Suffolk mix ewe and 4 goats: 1 Nubian/Boer doe,2 Nubian/Boer wethers, and 1 Nubian wether. They all get along fine. Infact, the ewe, up until recently, has been the queen of the pack. If I remember correctly, we got 2 Nubain/Boer wethers as 1 year olds. Then, I got my sheep, as a bottle baby. When she was a few months old, I got some baby Nubian/Boer does. Ashley, my sheep grew up with goats, so I do think she thinks she is more goat than sheep. She is around 8 years old now, and is displaying some signs of arthritis, so one of my wethers is starting to replace her as leader of the pack. He is kind of a butthead, so I'm not too pleased about that. In regards to the minerals, I used to get a goat/sheep block. Now I get loose trace minerals. It doesn't have an excess of copper in it, so it is safe for the sheep too. Good luck!