Loving the herd life
That just aint right... what ever happened to the right to protect you home family and livestock??? we can shot them here if our livestock is in danger. So what did the GW suggest?Well the issue with that is the KY Game wardens. There are certain seasons for them in our county because there are not enough....... When he called the game warden and told him the issues and the game warden told him its a good thing he didn't shoot the coyote because he would have ben fined. Sometime the most obvious things to us seem ridiculous to our government. Even a dog in this area has to bite the same person 3 times before the law can do anything but it can bite multiple people two times its fine...... The season on coyotes is comeing up soon but Shooting them is still illegal even if they are a threat to your stock in the state of KY.
BTW sorry for his loss. I have seen my Pyrs ( 2 of them ) take on 4 coyotes together and won. but they are full blooded and the parents grew up outside with sheep. never seen the inside of a house, so I think the instinct is greater. maybe your friend needs to find a few LG's that he can kind of barrow maybe.?? Or just do what I would do and shoot them anyway and then burn the bodies some place no one would know. lock up the livestock at night?
Sorry if I have offended anyone in some way I get a little worked up when stupid government makes these stupid rules and takes away our ways of protecting ourselves and our livestock from harm. It's just not right!!