Coyote pack atack


Loving the herd life
Dec 20, 2013
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Well the issue with that is the KY Game wardens. There are certain seasons for them in our county because there are not enough....... When he called the game warden and told him the issues and the game warden told him its a good thing he didn't shoot the coyote because he would have ben fined. Sometime the most obvious things to us seem ridiculous to our government. Even a dog in this area has to bite the same person 3 times before the law can do anything but it can bite multiple people two times its fine...... The season on coyotes is comeing up soon but Shooting them is still illegal even if they are a threat to your stock in the state of KY.
That just aint right... what ever happened to the right to protect you home family and livestock??? we can shot them here if our livestock is in danger. So what did the GW suggest?
BTW sorry for his loss. I have seen my Pyrs ( 2 of them ) take on 4 coyotes together and won. but they are full blooded and the parents grew up outside with sheep. never seen the inside of a house, so I think the instinct is greater. maybe your friend needs to find a few LG's that he can kind of barrow maybe.?? Or just do what I would do and shoot them anyway and then burn the bodies some place no one would know. lock up the livestock at night?
Sorry if I have offended anyone in some way I get a little worked up when stupid government makes these stupid rules and takes away our ways of protecting ourselves and our livestock from harm. It's just not right!!


Loving the herd life
Mar 19, 2013
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Union, MO
Trophy Points:location:Raleigh, NC

bcnewe2 said: ↑

Chiming in late cause I work to much and have been out of town for months.

I raise and train Border collies to work livestock. If you get a "bad" or doG forbid an AKC bred border collie that has no stock interest you might get away with a mix of LGD and BC but for my money I keep my breeds bred for what they are meant to do.

LGD's guard, BC's herd. Why in the world would you want to mix that???

Mixing herding breeds with guarding breeds....WTH would one be thinking...might work for an individual dog or a mistake breeding but why oh why would one mix the 2 on purpose is way beyond my imagination. The chance for issues is bigger than I'd ever want to risk.
Quote from one fine acre:
Click to expand...
I don't know if Mikey, my GP x Border Collie mix was an accidental breeding, if it was an AKC Border Collie in the mix, or if like you say the breeders were out of their minds.

Just know he has been a blessing for my family and my goats.

He's gentle and submissive to the goats. He guards them closely. I sleep well at night when I hear him barking out back.

I obviously do not have your level of self proclaimed expertise. I guess I'm just lucky.

But, I'm also not going to let someone bash my dog without standing up for him. :somad


I am not bashing your dog. It's a general statement. There are individual dogs that turn out great from a breeding that isn't great. I'm very glad you got one. But I stand by my statement that the mix is not a stable mix and you can get some dogs that do not have the proper wiring to guard or work. Why would someone risk that on purpose is something I will never understand.
I'm very glad your dog is a good one. But again, I wasn't bashing your dog. I even mentioned that there are cases where the mix turns out fine. But I will never agree that it's a good mix.

Thanks for the vote of "self proclaimed expertise" that was mighty nice of ya!
Yeah....I agree you were lucky.
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Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
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Zebulon, NC
Trophy Points:location:Raleigh, NC

bcnewe2 said: ↑

Chiming in late cause I work to much and have been out of town for months.

I raise and train Border collies to work livestock. If you get a "bad" or doG forbid an AKC bred border collie that has no stock interest you might get away with a mix of LGD and BC but for my money I keep my breeds bred for what they are meant to do.

LGD's guard, BC's herd. Why in the world would you want to mix that???

Mixing herding breeds with guarding breeds....WTH would one be thinking...might work for an individual dog or a mistake breeding but why oh why would one mix the 2 on purpose is way beyond my imagination. The chance for issues is bigger than I'd ever want to risk.
Quote from one fine acre:
Click to expand...
I don't know if Mikey, my GP x Border Collie mix was an accidental breeding, if it was an AKC Border Collie in the mix, or if like you say the breeders were out of their minds.

Just know he has been a blessing for my family and my goats.

He's gentle and submissive to the goats. He guards them closely. I sleep well at night when I hear him barking out back.

I obviously do not have your level of self proclaimed expertise. I guess I'm just lucky.

But, I'm also not going to let someone bash my dog without standing up for him. :somad


I am not bashing your dog. It's a general statement. There are individual dogs that turn out great from a breeding that isn't great. I'm very glad you got one. But I stand by my statement that the mix is not a stable mix and you can get some dogs that do not have the proper wiring to guard or work. Why would someone risk that on purpose is something I will never understand.
I'm very glad your dog is a good one. But again, I wasn't bashing your dog. I even mentioned that there are cases where the mix turns out fine. But I will never agree that it's a good mix.

Thanks for the vote of "self proclaimed expertise" that was mighty nice of ya!
Yeah....I agree you were lucky.

Don't thank me. You've proclaimed your expertise twice now on the subject of appropriate canine cross breedings.

I'll keep an eye out for Mikey for signs of instability.

I'll see the people we got him from at a dairy goat show in May. I'll ask them what they were thinking.

Maybe I'm lucky. Or, maybe I have an eye for talent? Or maybe I just got a dog from someone who is a good trainer?

I'm sorry I thought you were bashing my dog instead of making a general statement.
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Loving the herd life
Mar 19, 2013
Reaction score
Union, MO
One fine,
I reread this whole thread and do see where you might have taken my post personal. I was not talking about Mikey in any way. I didn't even put it together with my post that i might be insulting your dog. By stating my experiences and what you call my expertise it does seem like I'm bashing your Mikey. I am sorry and I really am glad your dog works for your situation, he sounds like a special dog.
Doesn't change my mind about mixing herding breeds with lgds. I have 17 years experience and 3 states of varring predators. Mostly my experience is with well bred working border collies. They are my passion so i have made it my mission to know the breed. Maybe that does make me an expert on them. But i am learning more about them everyday i live and work with them. So really i am just a student of the breed.

There are always exceptions to the rules and I'm glad you have one.
I would really like to know if his breeder, correct me if im wrong, they have the huge goat farm, bred the litter that you got Mikey from on purpose.
Standing by my original post with the exception of Mikey and maybe a few others that this is not a mix i would ever do or count on for a true lgd which is what i think the op's neighbor needs as he obvislousy has a very big coyote problem.


Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Zebulon, NC
One fine,
I reread this whole thread and do see where you might have taken my post personal. I was not talking about Mikey in any way. I didn't even put it together with my post that i might be insulting your dog. By stating my experiences and what you call my expertise it does seem like I'm bashing your Mikey. I am sorry and I really am glad your dog works for your situation, he sounds like a special dog.
Doesn't change my mind about mixing herding breeds with lgds. I have 17 years experience and 3 states of varring predators. Mostly my experience is with well bred working border collies. They are my passion so i have made it my mission to know the breed. Maybe that does make me an expert on them. But i am learning more about them everyday i live and work with them. So really i am just a student of the breed.

There are always exceptions to the rules and I'm glad you have one.
I would really like to know if his breeder, correct me if im wrong, they have the huge goat farm, bred the litter that you got Mikey from on purpose.
Standing by my original post with the exception of Mikey and maybe a few others that this is not a mix i would ever do or count on for a true lgd which is what i think the op's neighbor needs as he obvislousy has a very big coyote problem.

No problem. It's all good.

Thats' what this forum is about, expressing one's opinion, and sharing different experience.



Loving the herd life
Jul 31, 2013
Reaction score
Boy does this break my heart. I'm also shocked. The coyotes in our area simply aren't that big. I'll bet I haven't seen 2 40lbs coyotes in 30 years. People loose beagles and other small framed dogs to them. But never a really large dog. Of course the desire to protect would have something to do with it. Other dogs would turn tail when it got ugly, the LGDs won't.


Loving the herd life
Mar 19, 2013
Reaction score
Union, MO
In AR I had a single coyote stalk me and a newborn lamb I was trying to get to bond with her Momma. The white dogs were sleeping close by. I was busy with my work. I looked up just in time to see a coyote sneaking up on me. Right as I saw it the boys woke up with a very quiet grrrr and were up chasing the predator off the property. I heard the coyote hit the electric fence and watched as the boys sauntered back to the pen and plopped themselves down to finish their nap.
I was very grateful for their protection.
I'll bet that coyote was about 70 lbs. He looked like a healthy GSD. You could see from a glance he had been well fed.
I have seen coyotes round here that don't look more than 30 lbs. Maybe it's related to area.