Craigslist ppl-Grrrr. fencing question


Loving the herd life
Nov 11, 2019
Reaction score
Clinton (piedmont) SC
We had dairy goats and Boers. Lots of them. They would get out if a gate was unlocked (1 or 2 could open latches) but they did not jump much. Hard on those big udders. It sounds as if the escape artists and jumpers are the minis and pet goats. Our large standard Nubians and LaMamchas stayed put. Our fences then were poor and only about 42”-60” high. I think it depends on the goats.
Why don’t you look into some meat sheep instead. Breeds like Dorpers browse as well as goats. Taste good too.
2 main goals. Brush and milk. Meat would be a rarity. Nigerians because they supposed have good temperments and delicious milk. And its only me, so volume is just about right. And, while I will spend some time with them, not looking for "pets" so want something manageable and not go feral if I don't brush it daily and read it bedtime stories. Oh, and I keep saying "it". I know that has to be plural.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Any milk goat that is milked 2x day is less likely to go feral than goats turned loose with no human interaction.
You do realize that while NG milk yield sounds right air depends on the individual goat, age, number of lactations, quality and amount of feed, etc. The yields claimed by owners may not be correct since most owners do not weigh daily and keep records for a full 10 month lactation. Also since they are smal goats their teats are small and may not be easy to milk, especially if you have large hands.
As to taste, flavor varies according to their diet. Also according to breed. Nubian milk (hay fed) tastes most like rich cow’s milk, followed by LaMancha, the Swiss breeds, and Toggenburg being sharp and unpleasant. (good for cheese though)
Standard size dairy goats are easy to work with since you don’t have to do as much work bent over double.