Crazy Goat Woman

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Several of us here in VA. 🤣 I'm near VA Beach, 2 more about an hr NW, another up Harrisonburg way. What area are you?

I see some Kudzu near our garbage dump but, not much elsewhere. Lot of farming, outside of the housing areas here. I've read Kudzu is hi protein.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Kudzu has become a major problem in the southern states. Kudzu vines can grow 1 foot per day making it a very sustainable food source for livestock. However, it also overtakes and kills out native vegetation making it a dangerous invasive species. It increases nitrogen in the soil to the point that other plants cannot survive, allowing the Kudzu vine to spread even farther. It is classified as a dangerous invasive species by the US government.

On the other hand, Kudzu is definitely high protein for livestock feed. Kudzu provides 15-18% protein when grazed with 60% TDN. Kudzu hay is about 23% protein. Heifer Project is a sustainable program that donates various kinds of livestock to people in subsistence conditions over the world and teaches them care. As each set of breeding animals produce the offspring of each animal goes to the next family on the list until every family owns animals capable of producing food for the family and sellable food products. The organization encourages people living in native Kudzu areas to gather this vine to feed livestock. The goats, sheep, cattle and rabbits donated through this program can graze on the vine, and people gather and dry the vine for feeding when grazing is not available. It is very palatable to goats, cattle and sheep, as well as hardy so if you have fields of this stuff, you can feed livestock for free almost all year.

Without constant work against Kudzu, it will take over quickly. If you go on vacation, you may not be able to find your house, your barn, your car, etc. when you return since it will cover anything in its path. Like in those National Geographic documentaries showing the march of Soldier Ants that swarm and devour everything in their path!