I am still in the 'goat investigation' stage. There is one specific topic I don't see addressed directly...and that is "if you specifically want the milk to be good for *drinking* (not cheese, soap, lotion, etc), what do you need to know/do about browse and milk flavor?"
I know that strongly flavored milk can be dependent on the individual goat, whether the milk is cooled down immediately after milking, etc. I know that for cheese making a lot of people *want* strongly flavored milk to make the cheese taste stronger. And everybody knows that if Bossy or Nanny gets into the wild onions the milk is gonna be fit for nothing but "green onion flavored cheese" or dip
Everyone I've spoken to stresses high quality hay and grains for their dairy goats. I get that. But so far I've seen little if any discussion on whether/how much browse effects milk taste. Specific plants to avoid. Plants to encourage. General info. Do people just not let their goats out in the pasture when they specifically want milk for drinking? (that seems unproductive)
At the moment we live in Arizona, so most people here seem to have either dry lots or scrubby looking 'pasture' (just desert brush plants, no grass) unless they have irrigated pastures (usually just grass for horse properties). The desert southwest is so much better ecologically suited to support goats than cows, but all the info I seem to find on goat dairies in the region are people producing cheese or soap, so they don't talk about milk flavor and browse. (as an aside, it's very frustrating that milk sales from producer to end consumer are so over regulated!)
DH grew up on a dairy farm (cow) and we farmed with them (I milked) the first 10 years we were married. I see lots of information everywhere about how to manage pastures for cows as *grazing* dairy animals. But I don't see much, or am not looking in the right place, on what is important to know about *browse* ...how to manage a pasture for browsing by dairy goats (for optimal milk taste).
Oh, and while I live in AZ at the moment, there is a small chance that we will return the the family farm I referred to, which is in the midwest, so I'm interested in general info and not *only* in AZ desert specific stuff...
I know that strongly flavored milk can be dependent on the individual goat, whether the milk is cooled down immediately after milking, etc. I know that for cheese making a lot of people *want* strongly flavored milk to make the cheese taste stronger. And everybody knows that if Bossy or Nanny gets into the wild onions the milk is gonna be fit for nothing but "green onion flavored cheese" or dip
Everyone I've spoken to stresses high quality hay and grains for their dairy goats. I get that. But so far I've seen little if any discussion on whether/how much browse effects milk taste. Specific plants to avoid. Plants to encourage. General info. Do people just not let their goats out in the pasture when they specifically want milk for drinking? (that seems unproductive)
At the moment we live in Arizona, so most people here seem to have either dry lots or scrubby looking 'pasture' (just desert brush plants, no grass) unless they have irrigated pastures (usually just grass for horse properties). The desert southwest is so much better ecologically suited to support goats than cows, but all the info I seem to find on goat dairies in the region are people producing cheese or soap, so they don't talk about milk flavor and browse. (as an aside, it's very frustrating that milk sales from producer to end consumer are so over regulated!)
DH grew up on a dairy farm (cow) and we farmed with them (I milked) the first 10 years we were married. I see lots of information everywhere about how to manage pastures for cows as *grazing* dairy animals. But I don't see much, or am not looking in the right place, on what is important to know about *browse* ...how to manage a pasture for browsing by dairy goats (for optimal milk taste).
Oh, and while I live in AZ at the moment, there is a small chance that we will return the the family farm I referred to, which is in the midwest, so I'm interested in general info and not *only* in AZ desert specific stuff...