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- #291
Overrun with beasties
Fuzzy thyme and snapdragons and salvia
My planted bird bath.

Fuzzy thyme and snapdragons and salvia

My planted bird bath.

How funny! My friend across town does it too.redtailgal said:Oh my goodness! I JUST got thru planting my birdbath full of portulaca, too!
Love the pics!
Now those are some great tips!daisychick said:I figured out a way to get them to eat for their first few days. Use their food as bedding!! Then they have no choice but to eat. Put some marbles in their water and they peck at the shiny things and end up drinking. So far they are doing great. Here is a picture of their cuteness. They are purebred Bourbon Reds.
Great job Daisy - turkeys are pretty dumb thats for sure. I snugly fit cardboard over the shavings bed in the brooder and scatter feed on the cardboard then remove it a few days later.daisychick said:I have turkey poults!7 out of the 7 fertile eggs I put in the bator hatched!! I have 4 more in the bator that the broody hen gave up on and they aren't due until June 5th. I have been collecting eggs from the neighbors and I may be addicted to hatching turkeys now.
I figured out a way to get them to eat for their first few days. Use their food as bedding!! Then they have no choice but to eat. Put some marbles in their water and they peck at the shiny things and end up drinking. So far they are doing great. Here is a picture of their cuteness. They are purebred Bourbon Reds.