Southern by choice
Herd Master
Again... you run fecals... you don't just deworm.
If you don't know what kind of parasite will it be effective? Maybe maybe not.
What if there are no worm parasites and it's cocci?
Cocci is a kid killer. They are not worms. Dewormers do nothing for cocci, that takes something altogether different.
I go back to these breeders you are getting your goats from. They should be explaining these things to you. Responsible breeders CARE about their kids, care about what happens to them when they leave.
They are goats so no calf feed. Medicated goat pellets are probably ok... what brand? 3/4 cup may be too much depending on their weight.
Hay should be available 24/7.
How old are the new kids? The you have already- is he 1 month old or two months old? If one month is he still on a bottle?
What kind of mineral block? Loose minerals are best (Manna Pro is a good one)
Water 24/7
Before putting out on pasture... have they had their CD & T vaccines? When?
If you don't know what kind of parasite will it be effective? Maybe maybe not.
What if there are no worm parasites and it's cocci?
Cocci is a kid killer. They are not worms. Dewormers do nothing for cocci, that takes something altogether different.
I go back to these breeders you are getting your goats from. They should be explaining these things to you. Responsible breeders CARE about their kids, care about what happens to them when they leave.
They are goats so no calf feed. Medicated goat pellets are probably ok... what brand? 3/4 cup may be too much depending on their weight.
Hay should be available 24/7.
How old are the new kids? The you have already- is he 1 month old or two months old? If one month is he still on a bottle?
What kind of mineral block? Loose minerals are best (Manna Pro is a good one)
Water 24/7
Before putting out on pasture... have they had their CD & T vaccines? When?