Desperately need help after lambing, overesting disease, 1st delivery moms


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
So hopefully I answered all your questions & concerns. I certainly don't want to waste anyone's time by asking for help or sound like I'm trying to mislead anyone for self gain.
No need to think you are wasting our time. We are all feeling bad for you when you are trying your best to do the right thing. If they survive until next transport is available, just load them. Don't try to sort them, let the auction people do that for the sale.

Tina's LucyGraycee

Overrun with beasties
Dec 26, 2023
Reaction score
Newark Texas
Sad for you. Yes, worming with heavy load of worms CAN cause problems as the dead/dying worms release a toxin. Sometimes we have to say that the worm load IS killing them, so will deworm help or not and hope it will -- that they handle the toxins and live. No doubt these animals have intestinal damage from years of this and will most likely never truly overcome and bloom, although they might live and improve.

I'm certain this breaks your heart and know you just want to help them. As you see, it's a hard path you are traveling. 🫂🥴
It's definitely hard road to hold. I've been so focused on doing everything I can for them especially since they've had no one to care for them only to OVERLOOK what I'd consider a key factor to their care.


So I had a date with lawnmower last night, even though they would perfer to graze, they were excited to get it. Small amounts of course since they have literally had none. I figured It has to make a difference. Healthy digestive system is only as healthy as what goes in it. Good things hang around in stomachs to help maintain good health but can turn deadly if it can't get necessary intake to make that cycle. I did remember though I had read somewhere not to let them have dewey grass so by time I started I only had small amount which was my plan to give them to start with.

I was really surprised yesterday before I gave them hay I walked lots to inspect for worms passing. I found no worms at all in any of lots sheep are in. Kinda confusing since ther was massive amounts in all lots day before. I thought it would tak longer not only for them to start passing worms but to completely (to some degree) pass them. That's when it dawned on me how 1st moma with twins bounced back when I thought it was overeating disease. I gave her fresh grass & she immediately improved.
So after i gave all others grass, as of this morning all are better, sick holding their on but show improvement. All of which I know i have not miraculously cure them but have definitely helped them feel better for upcoming transport regardless their fate when they get ther. That's something I have come to peace with too.

I'm so grateful for each & everyone one of u that has helped me tremendously with my journey to unknown. 1 that will stick with me for awhile but knowing at same time I made a difference in helping them from abuse they have endured. If it was only for a very short time i kept them for most part with their constant battle to find food easier. I am overwhelming exhausted mental & physically but they kept me going with their continuous fight to live & not giving up when they should have. I think I may have been some of their reason since I have proved to them they would be taken care of. So regardless whats ahead good, bad or otherwise their not being abused or starved. That's what makes everything I've done worth it all but know when everything has become & absolute to that's all I can do except send them on, I accept that too whole heartily.

Having said that my sheep symphony (adults)has begun with full fledged orchestra (all babies join in) requesting my appearence!!

Everyone have a great day! Well for what's left of it....I'll really be glad when time changes in March...

next update will be on transport details coming up very soon!!

I already feel part of weight on my shoulders lift some. Thanks everyone again for prayers, support, encouragement, valuable advice helping care for misfits of "Texas Tina's Barnyard Fun". (I was called that before sheep came along) I even had my own broadcasting episodes!!😊🙃🤗

Tina's LucyGraycee

Overrun with beasties
Dec 26, 2023
Reaction score
Newark Texas
You're doing your best, but don't let your best "kill" you. Sounds like you're getting no rest at all. At night do your final check, then talk to St Francis to watch over them while you sleep.
Thank you for your concern. I may drop in my tracks when they leave my driveway but I'll be fine. I'll get up brush myself off satisfied I've done my best for them.

Tina's LucyGraycee

Overrun with beasties
Dec 26, 2023
Reaction score
Newark Texas
No need to think you are wasting our time. We are all feeling bad for you when you are trying your best to do the right thing. If they survive until next transport is available, just load them. Don't try to sort them, let the auction people do that for the sale.
Ridgetop I feel like I need to apologize about my response to your comments about taking them to auction. I sounded irritated & snapped back kinda short in my defensive so to speak. For that I'm truly sorry. I know everyone is concerned for my well-being & want to & have helped in everyway with a unbelievable challenge most wouldn't have takn on or continued to fight. I respect that & appreciateit greatly at same time i need to reminded the distance i can travel in doing so. I am truly blessed to have found each & everyone of you compassionate understanding people helping me in everyway possible yet knowing my outcome or foreseen future isn't very promising. I do know I am an over the top, do or die person when it comes to something like this. So many people can't believe & even critize me for caring so deeply. Truth be known I'm that way in everything I do in life.
Just to drop a little story to show I began that very early in my life...
Growing up on a producing farm, cows, goats, chickens, pigs my dad had to give me my own little piece of heaven ( grassy lot behind barn) so I would stay out of business areas. I name everything. When Pigs were loaded for market & I found out they were being killed of course not understanding meaning behind working farm, needless to say I through a tantrum which resulted in my dad unloading Pigs. That day was spent building me my own little farm. Texas Tina's Barnyard fun. I was 9 yrs old. That's how long it has stuck with me. Any animal born that was injured in birth or afterward, runts or rejected for whatever reason became additions to my little farm. All the while keeping me out of my dad's market days & feeding lots. What brought me to reality as I was growing up about farming was several yrs later in my observations & round about ways of thoughts as to farming I knew truly what animals purpose & accepted for most part just didn't talk about or take part in it so to speak. Straw that broke camels or what opened my eyes making me accept true hard cold facts ( to me anyways) was....
1 morning at breakfast table I mentioned how great ham was to my mom & my older brother said to me "well little sister it should..your eating Pretty Boy Floyd". Needless to say I never seen or heard such a smack my mom gave my brother afterward.
I didn't cry over animals going to market anymore. I excepted fact that was how our family made a living to survive. So hard knocks? Definitely. Learning experience? Absolutely. All of what makes up who I am today.

Tina's LucyGraycee

Overrun with beasties
Dec 26, 2023
Reaction score
Newark Texas
No one here is going to fault you. You are trying your best in a terrible situation. Prayers for you and sheep.
Thank you Baymule. It's definitely been hard that's coming to end very soon not only for me but them as well whatever their faith my be. It's without a shadow of a doubt it's better than they have now regardless. Animals do their part in surviving but they depend on our help to allow them to happy healthy & thriving. These sheep have only experienced this 1 time in their lives 3 yrs ago at beginning of their lives around me & then with me. Unbelievable how it was from then to now. It's an absolute joy to see these sheep in the best parts of their exsistence only to be heart breaking now in their shells of a body fighting for life for themselves but so much more for their babies. It's astonishing to me their spirits & strengths these sheep have no matter what their going through...
Pain, depression, fear, concussion & passionate devotion for babies. God created this. I don't know how humans can destroy it without a second thought. God created them to but chose devils path instead that these sheep were placed in care of. Goodness prevails no matter outcome. Human factor intervened to improve their circumstances. I am thankful for that. God works in mysterious ways & I believe abusers will recieve their treatment in the time to come. That too, as bad as it sounds, deserve for ever act they've inflicted of hurt & abuse to whomever or whatever. Thanks for your prayers.

Tina's LucyGraycee

Overrun with beasties
Dec 26, 2023
Reaction score
Newark Texas
No need to think you are wasting our time. We are all feeling bad for you when you are trying your best to do the right thing. If they survive until next transport is available, just load them. Don't try to sort them, let the auction people do that for the sale.
I need to ask generally speaking in your experience is just loading them the just of it? Transport guy was 1 that told me to separate momas & babies, marking them with paint to match momas once they get to auction. Babies are 4 days old to 1 mth old & have to put by their selves in transit as not to get crushed. Once their auction wouldn't chase them around trying to match them up.
Since I didn't know anything about in & outs of any of this I did ask few questions about loading process since my groups are separated. I wanted to put them together like they're normally hauled/loaded & separated to make things little less chaotic since there's so many babies. All others I knew to just put altogether with exception of what is normally done with rams. After he told me his norm I've been trying to accomplish that norm. I think part of special instructions for momas & babies was due to fact he plans on picking them up Fri late evening, feeding & leaving them loaded all night. With exception of having to reunite newborn babies to moma that night then put them back separate when he leaves out next morning. I thought that's a lot of handling & chances of creating problems tending to newborns when picking them up Sat morning would solve all that. Then it would only be a matter of loading newborns 1st already marked & separated in a small portable pen. Then load all of the rest of them then drive to back lot where rams are separated in small corral, load them head out to auction. So I'm thinking after what you said that Fri evening pick up & special handling of babies, momas & feeding is preference of transport driver. What do you think? I really didn't like thought of them being in trailer all night with rams mixed in. Some of momas still putting off scent from having babies. I really didn't agree with babies being separated from momas all night much less him trying to put them together then separate them next morning. These are abused very traumatized sheep that haven't been handled much & before me when they were its always been in bad way. That's to big a risk that I did go over with him when I failed to be ready last Fri. Less handling the better. He didn't agree or disagree or offer anymore explanation than he told me 1st time. I didn't mind added work on my end for safety & well-being of momas & babies but really have strong reservations about them after they leave me. I'm afraid newborns won't get put with momas, they won't get fed & watered but biggest concern of all is rams, 5 to be exact being side by side with them, all night. Talk about a dangerous chaotic mess that I have no doubt will end up not only badly but some possibly being injured. I don't know stock trailers these days but I know capabilities of momas getting to their babies & rams getting to ewes with a scent separated or not their strong enough to breakdown or through barriers for those reasons. Injuries I'm sure but get through definitely. It would truly wined up being highway to he'll if there's any of them left next morning. Am I being over the top worrying or creating something to worry about or is some of my thought logical? Man have I put a bigger weight on my mind & shoulders by typing all this out. Before it was just a thought but its more reality to it now.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I understand your concerns. You have poured your heart out on these sheep.

You have transport to auction for them and you need to let them go. It’s not perfect, but it’s all there is. I wish it was better, it is what it is.

Get the ewes and babies marked and be ready for Friday. It’s time.