Deterring Coyote/Coy dogs


Herd Master
Jul 2, 2010
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Northeast Mississippi
Just looked up the niteguard and it looks good. Of course we just finished installing more motion lights and a bright continuous light in the night area for the sheep and the chickens too. I get a chill when I hear coyotes howling...and so many after the birth of each lamb...I hate those things! We also have electric on the outside of the sheep area and for the chickens we play loud country and western music on a radio all night. Chickens have continuous lights and now also motion lights...can't wait for the power bill.

Kinda funny when I read that you have a gun near and ready to use if needed...we also have a gun at the back kitchen door for the same reason.....why is this funny to me, besides the fact that I do have a strange sense of humour??? Well...when we were looking at places for sale in the area before we moved here, we looked at a house with nice pasture and cattle on it, but it was a little too far out for my liking had a shotgun leaning against the kitchen back door :ep Gave me the creeps back then. we are...with sheep and chickens and I too have a gun by the kitchen back door... :th


True BYH Addict
Jun 18, 2012
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bonbean01 said:
Just looked up the niteguard and it looks good. Of course we just finished installing more motion lights and a bright continuous light in the night area for the sheep and the chickens too. I get a chill when I hear coyotes howling...and so many after the birth of each lamb...I hate those things! We also have electric on the outside of the sheep area and for the chickens we play loud country and western music on a radio all night. Chickens have continuous lights and now also motion lights...can't wait for the power bill.

Kinda funny when I read that you have a gun near and ready to use if needed...we also have a gun at the back kitchen door for the same reason.....why is this funny to me, besides the fact that I do have a strange sense of humour??? Well...when we were looking at places for sale in the area before we moved here, we looked at a house with nice pasture and cattle on it, but it was a little too far out for my liking had a shotgun leaning against the kitchen back door :ep Gave me the creeps back then. we are...with sheep and chickens and I too have a gun by the kitchen back door... :th
I just bought two Night gaurd's and I am e-mailing barn builders as we speak. All I have is a goat hutch which has worked fine, but if a coyote hops the fence the doorless opening will be a problem...I was also told to tell hubby to pee on the property line lol
But seriously, I am very worried about my babys.

Hehe, yeah I never thought I would be doing this, ever!!


Herd Master
Jul 2, 2010
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Northeast Mississippi
Let us know how the niteguards work when you get them! Kinda liked the look of them...the flashing might do more than continuous and motion lights. I know how you feel...our shelter does not close up either...three sided. We have sheep and they would hate to be locked up, but I'd sleep better!

Nights are getting cooler, but with fall also come more our bedroom faces the back to the sheep pen and even if it gets a tad chilly, if we've been hearing coyotes we keep a window partly open to hear any problems and I'm a light sleeper. Oh yeah...once we are using heat and window partly open and all those lights...our power bill is going to be bad!

p.s...if you get electric wire around your fence, don't get hubby to pee on that without unplugging it first ;)


Ridin' The Range
May 23, 2011
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Shapleigh, Maine
I believe CornishHeratige in the pig forum uses the night guards with success. (if memory serves)

We too have guns leaning in random places. Yes, if you have company and don't put them away, they might look at you with eyebrows raised. But hey, you will be prepared when the time comes. :D


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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We have a lot of yotes and coydogs in our area.

We, well my husband and boys, pee on our property line. (and no one has "hit" the fence yet).

The yotes dont really bother us.

One of my neighbors also has started pouring a lil kerosene at the base of his fence posts. The smell of the kerosene is rather uncomfortable on a dog or yotes nose, so it seems to be working pretty well.

I agree with a good electric wire fence.

Honestly, if they get close enough to my farm that the animals react to them, I shoot them and leave them laying for a day or so (unless the weather is hot). They seem to get the message and stay away. Not my favorite thing to do, but I want them dead BEFORE they attack my critters.

I've seen the yotes walk up the tree line on the other side of the road, walking up quite a ways so that they can cross the road onto someone elses property.


True BYH Addict
Jun 18, 2012
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I will definitely let you all know how the Night guard works, and I'll make sure to post pictures as soon as I get a barn built.
I am afraid to know how much it will cost, but the guy said he would come out personally and get it done within the next 2-3 weeks due to the emergency. Gota love small family business's!!
The Coyote seemed to have paced between the cow farm three houses up, and the Llama farm two houses down. Which is about...five miles all together.
I think the farmers lost a calf, or the coyote seriously angered them. The cows all started bellowing around midnight.
The neighbor has almost lost his beagle twice now, so hes out for blood.
I told him hes protecting my live stock and to go for it...


Lost in the flock
May 23, 2011
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We have a pack to the north and a pack to the south,most likely just one big pack. Luckily just our st Bernard's barks seem to keep them away.


True BYH Addict
Jun 18, 2012
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BrownSheep said:
We have a pack to the north and a pack to the south,most likely just one big pack. Luckily just our st Bernard's barks seem to keep them away.
I think ours are hybrids of some sort. There the size of wolves, the male that the neighbor took out and had stuffed two years ago was 97 pounds and was HUGE. It took up the back of his pick up.
It was kinda scary...I wish our dogs were enough to scare them away...Instead they poop around our fence line.


True BYH Addict
Jun 15, 2010
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My neighbors used to leave a huge bowl full of cat food at their back door for their 2 cats at night. :) They do not have a dog. Soon they noticed that all of the cat food was comletly gone and found coyote scat nearby. They then installed motion detector lights to deter the coyotes. A week later more scat was found on their porch. :( I have a motion detector that turns on the flood lights . I also have quite a few coyotes visit every night as I have seen them as the lights came on. :/ The coyotes have figured out that sudden brightness was only a minor nusense and that there is nothing to fear from sudden brightness after many farms also have installed those motion detector lights and continue with their search for prey as if nothing ever happened. :rolleyes: There a quite a few coyotes, fox, racoons, possums that hunt in towns that have bright lights along every street as well as many porch lights. :p I would then surmise that a constant blinking red light just may give pause at first installation to a predator untill they figure out that this blinking red light is a normal event and a minor inconvenience . :hu


Chillin' with the herd
Aug 25, 2012
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S California
Bossroo said:
My neighbors used to leave a huge bowl full of cat food at their back door for their 2 cats at night. :) They do not have a dog. Soon they noticed that all of the cat food was comletly gone and found coyote scat nearby. They then installed motion detector lights to deter the coyotes. A week later more scat was found on their porch. :( I have a motion detector that turns on the flood lights . I also have quite a few coyotes visit every night as I have seen them as the lights came on. :/ The coyotes have figured out that sudden brightness was only a minor nusense and that there is nothing to fear from sudden brightness after many farms also have installed those motion detector lights and continue with their search for prey as if nothing ever happened. :rolleyes: There a quite a few coyotes, fox, racoons, possums that hunt in towns that have bright lights along every street as well as many porch lights. :p I would then surmise that a constant blinking red light just may give pause at first installation to a predator untill they figure out that this blinking red light is a normal event and a minor inconvenience . :hu
My husband bought a huge spotlight flashlight and goes out with a gun and the flashlight. Now all I have to do is turn on the flashlight and the coyotes leave the area. It took bullets wizzing to get them to learn respect for the light.