Herd Master
Is that you pouring the cream??
Is that you pouring the cream??
I think it is amazing stuff. I was having chest pressure (not really chest pain, but pressure), shortness of breath, weakness down both arms & light headedness.I had to do some reading about Ubiquinol as it may be something I want to try.
It's amazing how many people, these days, who take statins, to lower cholesterol. Research has shown that statins may lower cholesterol, but don't significantly lower risk of a cardiovascular event. The biggest problem with statins, is that they greatly decrease CoQ10 in the heart muscle and that increases the risk of heart attack.I may have to look up Ubiquinol for my DH.
Let me know how the cheese comes out and what you were doing differently to make it not form a curd. The composition of milk changes during lactation and sometimes that can mess with curd formation. Last year when I was milking every other day I couldn't get a curd to form when making Feta, I'm sure it was the composition of the milk that was the problem.
I remember hearing the other day that high cholesterol can also be caused by consuming a lot of refined carbohydrates and since he is a diabetic you can be sure that those were always high in his diet. I will definitely get him