Mike CHS
Herd Master
We grew a good stand in pots in South Carolina that we brought here and it just rotted. I have no idea why but it was 3 year old roots.
Wow! That's too bad! Did you dig the roots to cook with? How big (deep & wide) was your pot?. . . it just rotted. I have no idea why but it was 3 year old roots.
I LOVE ginger!!!
For a number of reasons, Organic Ginger is better than the "irradiated" version that is sold in our local, Podunk food stores.Organic anything is hard to find outside a big city. I kinda get the feeling people out in the country don't "get" why you should eat organic and why it costs more. At least that has been my experience trying to sell it here in my corner of East Texas.
When we were in Dallas week before last, I bought a whole pound of organic ginger, with the intention of grating it, freezing it in ice cube trays & storing in the freezer, so I don't have to drive to Dallas when I need fresh ginger.
So, today was the day. I got my mini Cuisinart food processor out and scrubbed the ginger, with a brush, cut it into pieces, that would fit into the smaller shoot, and started grating it. Next, I put the chopping blade in and chopped it.
After all that was done, the kitchen smelled devine!
After I ran hot water over the bottom of the ice cube tray, the cubes all popped out so nice, I just had to take a photo and share it!View attachment 39262
Each cube has 2 Tbsp of ginger, except one. Can you guess which one only has 1 Tbsp???![]()
Very good!Bottom right has 1 tbsp in it.
Well, actually, I've been wanting to try making Yaupon tea, from the leaves. It's high in caffeine, and supposed to be tasty. I read one story about a lady who sells the tea to local restaurants.And now, you know what the hated Yaupon looks like. If lucky, you'll never see any again.