Devonviolet Acres

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
The lavender quineas are lovely! I had some pied and a white. He would not root in the OPEN shed but on the roof of it! One night an owl took him out. Haven't gotten more since but, I like them.

You love the Nubian ears because LaManchas don't have them, or because they are so lovely...either way, yes, I like my Nubs. Mostly I have Saanen & S/N cross. I have 2 bucks now, one of each. Kept too many daughters, LOL.

Molt is in full force here and feathers everywhere! Chickens are a ratty mess to see. Of course, they change daily with the feathering but geeesh -- some ugly girls and one roo is even in hiding. Don't blame him, he's really pitiful looking. :lol: The young pullets (had 6 RIR, fox got 2, but 4 left are all pullets!!) are lovely as they won't molt now. :love Should start laying next month.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
DV I am sorry about Edie. I noticed her looking a little scruffy when we were there, but thought she was molting. We really enjoyed our visit, even though it was short. Your goats are so healthy, slick and shiny-beautiful! I love the mix of breeds and colors you got in your chicks. It is just more fun to have a colorful mix of chickens-like a bouquet of flowers!


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Yesterday afternoon, we introduced our new buck, Danny Boy, to our two oldest girls. Violet, our female Maremma LGD didn’t like him chasing the girls around, and got cranky so we put her in the kennel, but I realized we couldn’t leave Danny Boy in with the girls. So I was trying to lasso him, to take him back to his pen. He got scared and ran toward me, to get away, and when I stepped back, to let him by, I lost my balance and fell into a wire fence, with a zip tie on it. The sharp edge scratched/sliced my arm from the elbow to the wrist. In about the midddle of my arm, I ended up with a gaping hole, about an inch long and 1/4 inch deep, and a nasty bruise on my elbow.

Today, we have to put Danny Boy back in with the girls, for a while. I really want to get them bred, so we can have kids by March. They are not in heat yet, and I am hoping Danny Boy’s presence will push them in that direction. :D. This time we plan to attach a 15 foot lead to his collar, so we can merely step on the lead, to keep him from running away from us. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that yesterday, when I put him in with the girls. I thought about it when I was chasing him around in the pasture. :ep Of course hind sight is always 20/20. :lol:


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Sorry you got hurt DV. Are you going to need stitches? Maybe butterfly bandages will work to hold it together to heal?
Thanks everyone. I'm sure I will be fine. It's pretty sore right now. I have to prop under my upper arm & hand to keep my arm off the arm of my recliner. Wouldn't you know, the wound is on the bottom, where the pressure REALLY hurts!

After I cleaned the wound with betadine soaked paper towels, yesterday, I rinsed and air dried my arm and then painted betadine along the deep scratch, and let it air dry again. When it was dry, I opened a bandaid and cut the adhesive end off and then cut it length wise. I used that to act like a “steri-strip”, which is what doctors use in place of stitches on this kind of cut. It worked really well.

This was after I soaked it in betadine and rinsed.

This is my make shift “steri-strip”

Here is the bruise on my elbow

I changed the dressing a while ago, and the cut bled quite a bit after I put the non-stick dressing on it. However, it isn’t bleeding now.

This morning, we put Danny Boy in with the two older does again. Our main purpose right now, is to get the girls into heat. I think it’s working. Although, they may have already been in heat. This morning, Rosemary’s vulva was more puffy and she seems to have a discharge, although it looked like she had some poop there. Angelica’s vulva wasn’t puffy, and while I saw a drop of liquid, it could have just been pee. Time will tell.

Here are some shots of the enounter :D


I cracked up when I saw that DH was locked in the kennel. :lol: Actually, he was in there, with Violet, to keep her calm. She did NOT like it when Danny Boy was chasing the girls.


Danny Boy seemed to be enjoying himself, chasing the girls around. His tongue was sticking out and he was doing some “trash talking”. :lol: After a while they seemed to lose interest, so I got a bucket full of apple leaves (everyone’s favorite treat), and was handing out treats.

I’ll keep an eye on the girls for more definitive signs, that they are in heat. Then, we will put them, one at a time, in with Danny Boy, and watch closely, for the “blessed event”, and put it on the calender. That is what I did last year, when we borrowed Latestarter’s buck. We were able to peg it to the day.

Ya’ll may have noticed that Danny Boy, who is a Myotonic, is smaller than the girls. To even out the playing field, we plan to put four cinder blocks, in his pen, for him to stand on, when his playmate is ready to make babies.

It’s a good thing we went out when we did. It just started sprinkling, when we finished putting Danny Boy back in his pen. By the time we got a cup of coffee and sat down, it started POURING and has rained heavily on and off since. Right now, it is raining so hard, I can barely see to the goat shed, and that is usually easy to see.

While I was in the goat pen, I went to the area, where I lost my balance yesterday. It turns out, the reason I fell backward, was that there was a (18x3” deep) hole, from the dogs digging. My foot went into the hole and I fell back. Right where my arm hit, as I grabbed the fence, to block my fall, there was a zip tie, with a sharp point, where the excess had been trimmed off. That is what sliced my arm. Guess what? That isn’t there any more. :D
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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Just a thought... you may want to keep a sharp eye out as you may need to go out and hold the girls in position so Dannyboy can figure out his part in the performance. No guarantee that either will figure out the proper place "on stage" when the show begins. Sorry again about your arm. That does look sore. Hope it doesn't get infected.