Im bringing my extra roosters that I hatched out<when I know which ones are roosters> to you to sell for me, ok?
The cool thing about it, is that he wants EVERYTHING I can come up with! And he doesn’t balk at paying a good price! Now, I know if I incubate eggs, I can sell him all the roosters, that hatch.That's fantastic! You are a money-making machine.
Killjoy.The cool thing about it, is that he wants EVERYTHING I can come up with! And he doesn’t balk at paying a good price! Now, I know if I incubate eggs, I can sell him all the roosters, that hatch.
I think he likes the fact that we keep our place clean and we have such healthy birds.
Thanks, HOTR. Yes, that is a Buff Orpington Rooster. That was his favorite spot, and he was the loudest crower, of the bunch. I’m going to miss his crows. Although, we do still have three roosters, that crow their hearts out. I DO love the sound of happy roosters.I really like the top picture of your Buff rooster (is that right?).