Herd Master
Sometimes you just have to put on your big girl panties and jump in and git 'er done. 

Sometimes you just have to put on your big girl panties and jump in and git 'er done.![]()
I get off what I can. For sure, I get the big pieces and as many of the little pieces as I can, without being obsessive. I figure, that I'm not going to be eating those little tiny pieces, since I will be filtering out the stems and skins. I have never gotten sick from doing it that way.How dedicated are you to removing these occassional tiny ones attached?
Yes, have canned both the syrup and the juice. When I make it for myself, I put it in wire bail bottles, and store it in the refrigerator. And yes you wouldn't want to can it if you use honey for sweetening, as the enzymes that create the health benefit would be destroyed by the heat.Do you ever can the syrup, or juice? Of course, if syrup, it would need to be made with sugar or you'd destroy the assets of the honey. If juice, non issue.
Yes, I have made jelly from the juice and it was very good however again, you can't use the honey as sweetening, because you need to heat the juice, to make it gel.Ever made jelly/jam with them?
We have a LOT of the beauty berry bushes on our property. I have made beautyberry syrup and Beauty Berry jelly I think it's very good. However, I won't be doing that anymore, because I am on a low-carb lifestyle.It will be first year I will try the beauty berry jelly. I am currently seeing HUGE numbers of these patches coming up. Literally gallons of the berries forming right now. Want to do some work with the leaves as use for bug sprays. They have a chemical similar to that in Deet.