Devonviolet Acres


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Merlin never barked at anything other than at night when he detected potential threats. That is what kept DW from sleeping. There is a road up the side of the property that goes to 8 houses. If someone was walking on it he would walk the fence but never made a sound.
Well then, it sounds like Violet and Deo would not work for you and DW. :)

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
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S Indiana
@Devonviolet just caught up again. I’ve missed so much! Glad DH is recovering well. I can totally understand where you are coming from with making tough decisions. We’ve had some serious talks here lately because DDs have both required so much extra time and DS needs time. We always come back to they love the farm and animals so we will keep on, keeping on. Time will tell. I truly can’t imagine saying goodbye to so many of the animals. I love almost every one! (The youngest bucklings aren’t tame and a few cows aren’t very tame. Lol) If we were in a better place as far as fencing, we’d take Violet and Deo on in a heartbeat. Just aren’t ready for another LGD yet and unsure when we will have the time to get completely ready. (This fencing would be necessary to keep the Aussies away from them.) Wishing you both the best!


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
@Devonviolet just caught up again. I’ve missed so much! Glad DH is recovering well. I can totally understand where you are coming from with making tough decisions. We’ve had some serious talks here lately because DDs have both required so much extra time and DS needs time. We always come back to they love the farm and animals so we will keep on, keeping on. Time will tell. I truly can’t imagine saying goodbye to so many of the animals. I love almost every one! (The youngest bucklings aren’t tame and a few cows aren’t very tame. Lol) If we were in a better place as far as fencing, we’d take Violet and Deo on in a heartbeat. Just aren’t ready for another LGD yet and unsure when we will have the time to get completely ready. (This fencing would be necessary to keep the Aussies away from them.) Wishing you both the best!
Thanks for your words of support! Having animals has it own set of challenges. Then, you add to it health issues, and it becomes another ballgame! It sounds like you are keeping the lines of communication open with the kids, so that is good! You can only do one day at a time. :D


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Hope all is well with you and DH. Just thinking about ya'll. :)
Wow! I just realized it's been almost 2 weeks since you posted this, Mini. Sorry it took so long for me to get back here to respond.

We finally sold 2 of our goats, Angelica and Hope, to a family of 8. They have FIVE adopted children and one older son, of their own. They raise cattle, and these are their first goats. We are so happy that our girls went to a great home!

We have had nibbles on the others (including some scammers) but nothing serious. Everyone seems to want purebred, pregnant, 2nd & 3rd fresheners, for $100! o_O

We had Christmas early, last Saturday, at my Dad's, since they went to her DHs for Christmas. So, Christmas was a quiet day here at home.

Last Monday, @Baymule & her DH stopped by to get some Kefir, that I had made using Jersey Girls raw milk. We had a great visit! We always enjoy spending time with them. :lol: :D.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Everyone seems to want purebred, pregnant, 2nd & 3rd fresheners, for $100! o_O

Don't we all ! ? ! LOL Glad that two went together. Bet that family will be spoiling them worse than they already were! But it's always nice to see them loved & cared for. With that many, I assume they actually DO want the milk.

Yesterday my DD said they were using 2 gal a week and I quickly offered the fact that kidding would begin soon and I get more than that a DAY...could supply her. An immediate affront. She couldn't even get her head around just tasting it. :th I did not go further, just "OK". Really a shame but, not the only person who has the "eeewww factor" toward a goat. It isn't about clean,. Mine are sanitized, milked into a tube and into a sterilized jar. Her loss.

I am so glad you two are doing well. When we don't hear at least a little "hello", we worry. Stay well. We miss your posts.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Don't we all ! ? ! LOL Glad that two went together. Bet that family will be spoiling them worse than they already were! But it's always nice to see them loved & cared for. With that many, I assume they actually DO want the milk.

Yesterday my DD said they were using 2 gal a week and I quickly offered the fact that kidding would begin soon and I get more than that a DAY...could supply her. An immediate affront. She couldn't even get her head around just tasting it. :th I did not go further, just "OK". Really a shame but, not the only person who has the "eeewww factor" toward a goat. It isn't about clean,. Mine are sanitized, milked into a tube and into a sterilized jar. Her loss.

I am so glad you two are doing well. When we don't hear at least a little "hello", we worry. Stay well. We miss your posts.
Yes, I know our two girls are going to get lots of love. DH got some grain and let the two boys, they brought with them, feed Hope. She ate it up and I could tell they were going to be gentle with her. Hope got up on the fence and cuddled with me non-stop. It just made me totally melt. I almost hated sending her home with them! At the same time Hope was letting me love on her, the two boys, who were in with her were being just as affectionate. It was SOOO sweet!!! But I swa glad they got to see how affectionate Hope is. 🥰😍🥰

I know what you mean about the “eeewww factor”. When we did farmer’s market, and talked about goat milk, people who had never tasted goat milk, said they didn’t even want to taste it, because they heard it didn’t taste goat milk. And it was the same when it came to tasting goat meat. Eeeewwww! Huh??? Where do they think the meat and milk they buy at the grocery store comes from???

Thanks for checking on us. DH is totally recovered from his surgery and back to about 150% from before the surgery. 😃

I will try to check in, but we have a million things to do, in the coming months . . . Cutting down, cleaning up and burning about 15 more trees, to eliminate shade for our vegetable garden, build a car port, plant seeds (in flats) for our garden, till and plant a garden, and put in more fencing, to increase our pasture. In addition to all that, I am learning a couple new styles of jewelry making (wire wrapping/weaving and Kumihimo - which is Japanese cord weaving), so I will have jewelry to sell at farmer’s market. That takes up a lot of my time lately. @Baymule and her DH got to see most of what I have made so far. So we will be quite busy!


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
But not so much to do that you can't pop in once a week to say hi, right? ;) Glad DH is doing so well.

I want 2 purebred registered pregnant with twins 2nd fresheners but won't pay more than $80 each and you have to deliver them. That seems fair doesn't it? ;)


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
No it just magically appears in the grocery store from another big building somewhere out in the "country". They have NO IDEA and don't want to know the real facts of life. When hearing someone talking about meat in the grocery store one time when I was up visiting my sister, the one woman said something to her friend, that they needed to go back to the other store and get some more steaks that were cut bigger. The other woman said something like where do they get all this and the first one that was complaining said it got made at the other store. Those are the ones that will be eating the "fake meat" stuff because they will have no clue about what really is good and healthy; and they don't want the " EWWWW" factor of confronting the FACT, that an animal actually has to be killed to get the meat they are eating.