Devonviolet Acres


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
How so?

If the will says "X" it is "X". The one thing I can think of is if you intentionally disinherit someone who would normally be in the "chain" of inheritance and don't include them in the will. Easy enough to put in "I leave my good for nothing son Bob $1 to insure he knows he was not inadvertently left out of the will".


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
How so?

If the will says "X" it is "X". The one thing I can think of is if you intentionally disinherit someone who would normally be in the "chain" of inheritance and don't include them in the will. Easy enough to put in "I leave my good for nothing son Bob $1 to insure he knows he was not inadvertently left out of the will".
Yes. Legally they would have no recourse, but the arguing can cause a lot of stress, for the Executor, and have a lifelong residual animosity result. I’m thinking more of the psycho/social ramifications.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
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East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
I'm glad to see you back on BYH, even if only for a brief moment to update everyone. I'm always here for you and only a phone call away. On top of all that you have going on, there is a global pandemic swirling about, which only serves to make things more difficult. Mostly, I just want you and your sweet husband to hunker down, stay safe and not get this virus. Everything else can be dealt with. Y'all have Danny Boy, the chickens, your dogs and the garden to keep you grounded and not get swept away in the sadness of loss. Love you.
Thank you Bay! Your wish is mine, for you and your DH, as well as all of our many friends here on BYH! ThIs vrrus can be deadly for people our age. So we need to observe social distancing (meaning staying at home as much as possible), and wearing masks and gloves, if we do need to go out. @farmerjan said it well, when she said that we are blessed that we live in a less populated area, so we are less likely to be exposed to the virus. My prayer is that we all get through this unscathed!!! :hugs


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
That is for sure. The reason so many are dying in NYC is their 70,000/sq mile population density on Manhattan.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Hey did y'all lose power Easter Sunday evening? There are places in Longview that are still out of power. Power was off from the house on the corner next to us, to Mineola, 9 miles away. It didn't come back on until 12 noon the nest day. But-we had power. Monday morning I went and got Robert and Sharon's coffee carafe and took it back full of coffee. I also made them grilled cheese and ham sandwiches. they were happy.


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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I agree whole heartedly, @Duckfarmerpa1!!! We have a very simple will, which we downloaded (free) from online. It basically says that if I die first, DH gets everything. If he dies first I get everything. There are a few things that have been promised to individuals, and those are listed. Our daughter has been listed at having access to all our bank accounts, so she won’t have to jump through hoops, like I am having to, to get access to funds in our accounts. It turns out, I have to prove that I am probating her estate, with a certified death certificate and a small estate affidavit (which I can’t sign or have notarized until 40 days after her death) and THEN I will have to wait 60-90 days to have a check mailed to me. In the mean time, I have expenses, related to the estate, and I have to pay them out of my own pocket, to be reimbursed several months out. So, Duck Farmer, do your son a favor and get that free online will form, fill it out, and sign and get it signed and notarized.

When both of us are gone, my daughter (from my first marriage) is the executor and everything gets divided equally, three ways, amongst the kids. So, they each get 33% and the extra 1% goes to my daughter, since she will be probating the estate. They all have a copy of the will. There will be no arguing, as all have agreed to the terms. In addition to the will we both have medical power of attorney/health care directive, which says there is to be no “heroic measures” if we are terminal. As with my sister, when the end was near, there will be no breathing tube or IVs to keep us alive unnecessarily. When it is time to go, we want to go peacefully. (Sedation/pain meds are perfectly okay!)

FYI, a quick online search came up with this link. I think the page is for a common law situation:

Living Will (Medical power of attorney)

Power of Attorney
Thanks a ton for the will link, I have the other two, from when I was really “ill”...but I’ll do the will so Ben can get his loot!!🤣🤣🤣


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@farmerjan, thanks for your kinds words. I’m sorry to hear that you are having to move from your farm. However, I can surely attest to how difficult it is to get back to a normal routine after foot surgery. I hope and pray that your ankle heals well. After seven surgeries, my right foot will never be the same. After the first six surgeries, a different foot doctor told me I needed ankle replacement surgery, and he would be happy to do it for me. I respectfully declined.

After I had my 7th surgery, my foot/ankle still hurt, so I went to a new foot doctor, who told me I was supinating, which means my ankle rolls outward, versus pronating (rolling inward). She informed me that I really didn’t even need any of my previous surgeries. :barnie:th:duc What I really needed all along was an inlay, that builds up the outside of my foot, to stop it from rolling outward. I now have that and my foot pain is reduced by about 60%. The remaining pain (both nerve and arthritis) is related to the first six surgeries.:duc

Thanks for the support. Believe me, I am not sorry that I will be moving sometime this year due to the landlords continued "dumbness". I am just sick of it and really never planned to be here this long.... and there might be light at the end of the tunnel......

So sorry that you had to go through all that with your ankle/foot to find out that the drs didn't know what they were talking about. That is why it took me 5 years of consultations, and feeling like that there was a better solution..... until I found this dr in NC at Duke. I am VERY PLEASED with it all... it is just taking "too long" for it to get back to normal :duc :th..... not that I am impatient or anything......
This C-virus and ensuing lockdown and all is putting a monkey wrench in the recovery as far as cancelled dr appts and hopefully not too much longer so that I can get started on whatever therapy they want so that I get back the full range of motion and use.

If you ever need a reference, this dr is very "modern" in his thinking, does some stem cell stuff and 3-D printer stuff to fashion a joint for someone that was looking at amputation. He's young but very caring..... I'm just in a hurry! HA HA.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Hey did y'all lose power Easter Sunday evening? There are places in Longview that are still out of power. Power was off from the house on the corner next to us, to Mineola, 9 miles away. It didn't come back on until 12 noon the nest day. But-we had power. Monday morning I went and got Robert and Sharon's coffee carafe and took it back full of coffee. I also made them grilled cheese and ham sandwiches. they were happy.
Nope! Power just flickered, but stayed on. We have been fairly lucky, as far as power outages. I think the longest outage we ever had was about eight hours. Usually, it is no longer than two, if that.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
DH and I just spent a half hour, this evening, on the front porch. We have a nasty storm coming around midnight. They're supposed to be really high winds, so we moved all of my plants inside and nailed down anyting that might blow away. Well actually we have some 55 gallon boxes/tubs on the porch, and anything that is light enough that it could get blown away, went in those tubs. Anything that was too big got weighted down.

We have an 8 foot by 50 inch island in our kitchen. We opened the tarp and placed most of my seed flats and plants on the island. Whatever wouldn't fit on the island, went on the floor.


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