Sure glad to hear he made it thru okay....sorry for his pain and discomfort....but, with ya going home tomorrow that says a lot. Try to get some rest, it will come in handy when ya get home. I'm sure he will be more than Glad to get to some real vittles instead of that hospital food...tho, he isn't tasting much of anything with the pain....for both of ya
Bless his heart...and yours too. They need to stay on top of that pain, it's so much easier than to try and play catch-up. Hope he can find some relief and that both of you can get some rest.
I hope the recovery goes well. Gonna be a rough road, pending on exactly which procedure they wen with.
I need it done myself, and dr told me it is much worse than hip or knee replacement because with those two, the body's weight tends to help to hold everything in place, where with a shoulder replacement, the normal use of the arms and any weight picked up tend to want to 'separate things'.
Good luck!!
The therapy center told us that it would be a long process and it would be painful. So far, they got the pain part right. But he has been in daily pain for a long time, he needed this done.
That old saying "growing old isn't for the faint of heart" always applies but getting rid of pain is always a plus. Everyone is pulling for him (and You).
I sat up last night after he finally went to sleep, pushing the morphine button every 10 minutes so the pain wouldn't wake him up. He is much better tonight, but still hurts.