Almost forgot about the does due soon! Since it's so cold, I left kits longer.
Played a lot of musical cages tonight, added nests, pulled litters, split into genders and so on.
Amber pulled fur & built her nest, due tomorrow.
45 moved hay & built her nest, due next Thursday.
NZ doe sold.
Whitefoot buck, blue tort & Cali does also sold.
It's HOT today! But breezy, so they're not too pissy at me. Lol
Lost one of the blue rex kits from Lynx. Idk what happened, must of failed to get back into the nest last night, 30F.
Then, Lynx broke her nest wall open midday and took the rest of her babies out exploring for a bit!
Looks like I just need 5 more trays to be finished. But I don't want to be a further $110 in the hole, so, it'll have to wait!
Seven put in the freezer today!
Put the hides in there, too.
Live to butchered weights.
NZ kit, 3.41 to 1.81
Cali kits, 4.11 to 2.33
3.54 to 1.88
3.98 to 2.11
SF buck, 4.95 to 2.44
Black Rex kit, 4.74 to 2.27
NZ/Rex brood buck, 6.88 to 3.65
I have to get another picture of the parts bucket, because it apparently failed to display.
1.07 bucket, 9.55 all.
8.48 pound for the dogs!
Everything except the intestines, bones & hides.
I deleted the pics before getting the times, but it looks like it was about 5min a rabbit for processing. Usually, I dilly dally, but I wanted to get it over with quickly.
I feel like the stragglers, ones that are a chunk lighter, should be culled earlier as dog food. They seem to eat a ton, take weeks longer to get to 5# and it doesn't make much sense to me to keep feeding them just for the bit of meat that'll end up costing more $ and time.
Two of Mutty's broken does & a SF buck of 10 sold.
Will probably turn the rest, besides Mutty2.0, into dog food. Just need to use up the scraps bucket of parts first, so, probably in 2 days.
Weighed everybun today. I'll check if any in the other litters are noticeably behind the rest & turn those into dog food as needed. It's too warm out to cull all & store them outside in the barn, unfortunately. No room in freezer or fridge, either.
Mutty2.0, 8wks, 4.6#. 10 & 11wks, 4.12#. So, she plateaued. I did sell mom and then later moved them to a new cage. Wonder if that's why she didn't keep up the growth...
I think I miscounted and there's actually 11, not 12.
One broken hung on & died.
Another broken isn't getting enough milk, it won't take formula & other doe probably won't kindle until wed/thur.
Interesting colors, though.
Looks like 9 fat kits will make it.
The Amber kits I weaned, some plateaued, others didn't notice and kept growing.
Amber weaned kits. Two okay shapes, rest kinda ugly.
Two castors & righty are the best growing so far. All same weight today, but it should of been lighter castor, then righty, last darker castor.
Can't wait to start using the new buck, these shoulders are horrid.
In order of heaviest to lightest in yesterday's weigh-in.