DKRabbitry ~ Constantly on the go


Ridin' The Range
Mar 7, 2011
Reaction score
Very Southern MI
As some of you may know, we took in a couple of mini-piglets with some serious issues hoping we could do something about it, but the best we could do for the boys was put them down. We ended up getting their sister too, who is a beautiful little wild piglet LOL (will get photos soon, she is also a potbelly mix)
We came across these little ones in an effort to find a boar pig to breed with my potbelly, Pinkerton Buttspots. We intend on using mini breed pigs on our farm to help with tilling, to graze on the pastures we have, and provide meat for our table. Little pigs just sound like the ideal addition to round out our livestock. In researching potbellies, and how they will suit my needs, I came across loads of other information on small pig breeds and why they were developed and why they suited small farm or villiage life so well. It is really interesting thinking about the past and how these animals were developed to fit the needs of people.

In that research, I came across a new breed that I have never heard of, the American Guinea Hog. Reading about these rare pigs just made me fall more and more in love with them. Sure, I can find potbellies around here a dime a dozen, but I decided that since I am getting quite serious about pigs that getting AGHs would be more rewarding in the long run. Working with others to preserve and better a breed that I feel is really an important part of america's history and life on the small farms. I am trying so hard not to dive into this blind, I have been reading a lot and talking with breeders and trying to get a feel for this small breed of swine and, I am not affraid to admit I am thoroughly smitten :) The game plan is to get a registered boar AGH piglet this next weekend that we will breed to Pinkerton this year, to get some growing out for meat, then later purchasing a registered gilt or two.

What does this mean for the rest of the farm? Well it means I really need to work to keep the goat herd to 12. That is going to be the hardest I think. I will be keeping 10 does and 2 bucks. Everything else will be sold or put in the freezer. We will also be cutting back even more on the rabbits. We sold all of our giant chins, except for some fryers for our personal use. I am thinking we will be keeping only 7 breeding rabbits. Two champagne D'Argent bucks and three champagne does for purebred stock, and we will be keeping our two 75% NZ, 25% SF (one we don't have yet, as she will be weaned this month) does just because they have wonderful meat genetics and are just really nice rabbits.

Another BIG change is that I really need to quit being so lax with the rabbits. DH wanted to get rid of the rabbits alltogether because we are pouring a bunch of $$$ in food into them and they are not paying us back. We have had a really relaxed breeding schedule and it is showing. We have had problem after problem getting does bred. Finally got a few nice litters out of this new buck, just to have eye problems with ALL of them so I won't sell any. We don't really have regular meat clientele, mostly because we are very nervous about selling dressed rabbits with the way things are today, but also because our breeding schedule has been so sporratic, I don't want to commit and then not be able to provide. Soooo, all this rambling boils down to my New New Year's Resolution. I need to crank down on my farm records, breeding schedules and everything. If I want to get something back for pouring my heart and soul into my farm, I need to get more serious about it. DH and I both work full time right now, so we can afford what we are doing, but eventually I WOULD like to have children and be a stay-at home mother. In which case I plan on supplementing DH's income with what we can from the farm. If/When that time ever comes, it would be a lot better if I already had things organized and set, at leat with the livestock. Putting in 6 acres of hay come spring SHOULD help out a lot... *sigh* I love this lifestyle :D

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Can't wait to see what your American Guinea Hog looks like and hear more about this rare breed.

Wishing you and your DH complete success with your new plans. My hats off to you both for banding together and figuring out what you need to do to make that plan successful. And knowing how good you have it now and how to make it better. It's a work in progress. Enjoy it.

Look forward to reading as it unfolds.


Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
DKRabbitry said:
Oh I bet you would LOVE them Ms. Research! If not only because you love animals :)

There are some good articles about them here
Thanks for posting the articles. Really fascinating. Can't wait to see how yours. Unfortunately, right now, in an area, no livestock.

Please post LOTS of pics.


Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
Hoping you have lots of luck w/ your hogs.

I'm not a pig person (don't enjoy owning them) but they are cute little things when they're babies.


Ridin' The Range
Mar 7, 2011
Reaction score
Very Southern MI
I honestly didn't think I would either... They were on my list of livestock that I have no desire to own. Then one day I went to get a goat.... that is the way it all starts! The lady who had the goats also raised mini pigs, and she just raved about them. We looked over her setup, and she told us all the things she did with them. She had one little gilt she would sell if we were interested. So we left with that little idea growing in our heads. Turns out she forgot to sign the buckling's papers so we went ahead and ran back over to her house to get that done, and buy a pig. And then there was Pinkerton LOL
We've had her for going on 3 months now, and she is the quirkiest creature. She is still very skitterish, but not mean. We can touch her now, as long as she has some goat milk in front of her. She just LOVES that stuff. The pig is NOTHING like I had originally thought it would be. My aunt has HampXs and they are just so big and in their small area, it isn't safe to be in with them or anything. Her sow is friendly, but has gotten to big to be with in small quarters (it is amazing how nimble something that size is!) and the boar is mean as far as I can tell. I don't expect my pigs to be "pets" like the goats are, but I do expect to be able to get in and work around them. AGH breeders have temperament on the top of their list, since this breed was made to be safe running loose on small homesteads. It will be no different here. Conformation, Temperament and Hardiness are all at the top of the list in no particular order. Now I just hope that I haven't set the bar too high and end up dissapointed :p

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Anything new gets me nervous. You should have seen me when I brought the bunnies home.

Wishing you success. You aren't going into this blindly and you do have some experience. Pinkerton seems to have been a good teacher.

Don't think you set the bar too high. It's not like you are bringing 50 home to start.



The Farm Zookeeper
Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Yes, its not like your bringing home a Mystery animal. :D


Ridin' The Range
Mar 7, 2011
Reaction score
Very Southern MI
Yes, its not like your bringing home a Mystery animal.
Meany! None of that here :lol:

Anything new gets me nervous. You should have seen me when I brought the bunnies home.

Wishing you success. You aren't going into this blindly and you do have some experience. Pinkerton seems to have been a good teacher.

Don't think you set the bar too high. It's not like you are bringing 50 home to start.

That and I am been reading untill my eyes hurt! LOL I guess the only part I am really nervous about it that this is a fairy big investment for me and I truly want to do good by it, be prepared for it, and see it through successfully. Part of why I am starting with the boar and pinkerton to see how it all works out this spring/summer, and if it is still going good, THEN we will be getting the AGH gilts. Baby steps :D

Also in the news here, I have been so excited about the piggy I forgot to mention the upcoming rabbit shows! Jan 28th is the Michigan 4H Rabbit Show. Our 4Hers will be taking their buns up there so I will be atteding to help/support them. They will also be taking a few of my rabbits to show. I have a couple really nice champange bucks I am excited to get judged. They both look fabulous to me, but I want to keep my eyes sharp and see what others think. (PS that is also the day we are hopefully getting the AGH since the breeder is up near Lansing :celebrate )

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
Oh, we've had several pigs....that's how I know I don't LIKE them.

Well, I love to eat them. I just hate the 'raising them to butcher' part. :lol:

My dh is deathly afraid of them, for one, and for another he refuses to let me put anything anywhere on our 18 acres that he has to go out of his way to feed / water when I'm not around. So they *have* to be in / around the other animals and they stink up the joint, tear stuff up, and just generally make a mess of everything.

If I could have a pen *just* for a pig or two, away from the other animals / far enough away that I didn't smell them every time I opened the back door....I might reconsider.

Good luck at the bunny show. I'm hoping some local kids buy / show our Flemish and Silver Fox babies but so far they're all going to people who drive for miles.