Sorry you lost her. Give it time & get another one, but from a more reputable source. Bottle feeding can be a hassle in any situation, but it's also bonding & sometimes fun.
Hi. New to the forum, but I am wondering the same thing. I have a triplet that I am trying to save, we lost his brother and sister already. They didn't get enough colostrum in the first 4 hours and now I have brought him the house. I have gone from the black nipple to the little red nipple and it wasn't working but I am now syringe feeding him. The last two feedings he has gotten 4 and 6 oz down. He is having bowl movements and peeing.
My lingering question is why does he sleep with his eyes open. The other babies did as well before they died.
I have never had a goat sleep with their eyes open. How old is he? What his temp? Is his bowl movements normal? Have you give any supplements such as vitiamen b, selenium, probiotics? How long has he been bottle feed? Where to you live what the temperature like? If he cold he won't eat. If he never had a bottle before it can be hard to switch him over. Some times the lack viral minerals that can cause them to become really ill.