Exploring the pasture
Do pigs make there own wallows? I was wondering if they root a big enough area to make there own mud pit to cool down? Sorry I have never pastured hogs and havnt raised them in awhile.
Absolutely YES! Sorry Secuono, have to disagree with your answer of "Maybe, by accident." Our Large Blacks will find a dip normally close to where they are watered & they "expect" us to fill it with water for them! They will then dig it deeper & wider until it is the right size. Once they have their wallow made it is VERY rare that they will dig one some place else. Of course if they have access to a pond then a special wallow is not needed. We had an old burn pit here on the farm that was no longer in use. One year it rained hard & filled up so the pigs made a big wallow out of it.Do pigs make there own wallows?