Loving the herd life
I have a nubian boer cross last year which went to freezer camp... if your serious about a good cross the nubians can produce a nice carcass, the dairy kids would probably be a bit scarce on meat
mydakota said:We eat goat. Up to about a year, we butcher like a deer with steaks, roasts, and some ground meat. Much older than a year and it's a "grinder". The flavor is delicious. There is not much fat, so we usually slow cook the roasts and they are very tender and tasty. We fry the steaks with a little Montreal Steak Seasoning and they are wonderful.
Around here we name all the wethers bound for freezer camp "Kenny". We have SpottedKenny, KennyRoanie, and KennyB at the moment. It is a reminder to the children not to get attached. (We are South Park fans, and in South Park "Kenny" gets killed in every episode). Sick humor, I know. If it has a real name? It is a keeper and you can get as attached as you want. This years "keepers" are DeeDee and Wendy.
I didn't know you could eat an alpaca!ksalvagno said:We also put alpaca in the freezer at the same time and have to admit that we like alpaca much more than goat.