Wish I would have taken pics of what it looked like today. These are from two days ago. I will try to get some tonight. Watching the whole process is fascinating! My poor Chloe! She just seems extremely annoyed about this thing that keeps scraping and bumping her leg!
DH saw Chloe's udder for the first time this weekend since it started going bad. He came to tell me how horrible and disgusting it was etc... All I could do was laugh! I have Chloe out in the pasture with the rest of the goats. She is happier that way and we have a good fly spray that the vet gave us.
That looks nice and clean and "healthy". Of course healthy isn't the right word for a sloughing udder, but it really does look good all things considered. The nose test is always good too...no smell = no infection.
Thanks @babsbag! I thought the same. No smell or anything. There does not appear to be anything wrong at all which is great! .... I mean, other than the fact that it is falling off... The healthy skin has folded over somewhat, almost rolling in, while the dead part is separating.
I noticed today that she has a lump on her right side, just behind her right elbow but on her rib area. Has me freaking out about CL a bit now. I had them all tested in the fall but I am going to call my vet and confirm when they open tomorrow. I have to take a bunch of the goats in for health testing anyway to clear them for showing.
OH! AND some of my goats have lice or some sort of mite on them. It is giving them very dry skin. Found that one out when I was shaving my buck for the show!
Honestly, CAE, Mastitis, CL???(or some weird lump), deformed kid, parasite overload and lice???
Everything... is falling.. apart!!! Ah well, live and learn.
I know all about days, months, and years like that. I have some creepy crawlies on my goats too and I will be sprinkling them with poultry dust this week. We found it when we were disbudding a kid.
But it seems like you have had more than your share right now...hopefully it is the end. If you had them tested it is probably not CL. Hang in there.