doe kindled... only 2 kits. is that normal?


Ridin' The Range
Mar 9, 2016
Reaction score
The doe is a chestnut agouti, and the buck is a solid black. And yeah the dark one is like dark all over except it's belly and underside is pink


Loving the herd life
Jan 25, 2016
Reaction score
Vale, Oregon
Yep then I would gusse she/he is chestnut! I used breed a pair of a mini dutch mix and a holland lop alot! The doe is chestnut and the bucks I used were a tort lop (R.I.P skyler:hit) my last litter from them was about 6 months ago but all of those kits got out and a bear put an end to them... buuut I also put an end to that bear...well actually i had a wild life rehabilitation guy trap him soo we are kinda even now... even if he killed 4 of my ducks about 7 of my rabbits including my favorite (R.I.P lucky) and some of my hens and a turkey if you want to see the pics I got of the monster I could show you lol he was climbing on my door and I snapped a few photos and videos. But back to the rabbits I always got pure blacks and chestnuts from that pairing I wanted torts but I always got chestnut that looked like ditches or just straight blacks. Here is her all her kits (R.I.P all of you guys and gals!)
please excuse the pics that have nothing to do with the bunnies this was 6 months ago and I had to use my phone and take pictures of the pictures on my phone lol and at that time I had a mama hen eat the top of her eggs so if you saw that egg that was where it was from (p.s the chick survived) The same chestnut doe is bred to a pure black mini dutch mini rex mix right now!! And should Kindle in a week or so!


Ridin' The Range
Mar 9, 2016
Reaction score
oookaaaaay well cool im planning on showing some my rabbits, and i heard chestnuts are a good color for that. wow a bear? thats crazy! sorry about your losses :( those are such cute babies though! and i really hope it goes well for you! haha i can see youre a much more experienced breeder... this is my first successful litter. oh one other thing, i was planning on maybe keeping one of these kits and selling the other, and i was wondering how much i could sell it for? both parents are from great bloodlines and are show quality. i bought the buck for $50. the buck has a full pedigree and the doe has a partial pedigree that i dont have but could get if i needed to, and i would give these 2 babies pedigrees only i dont actually know HOW.... so anyway, these would be good for breeding, showing, or just as pets, and im planning on spending lots of time with them to make them tame. they are purebred mini lops. how much do you think theyre worth? $20? $30? $40? $50? most the local rabbits i see on craigslist are around $20-$30.... how much would you sell these for? well one of them. like i said i'm keeping one and selling the other probably :)


Ridin' The Range
Mar 9, 2016
Reaction score
oh yeah sorry for all the questions but i wanted to ask one more thing. so exactly how often should i check and handle the kits? i know that its a myth that the doe will reject or eat them if u touch them, especially since my doe is super sweet and comfortable with me. but its only day 1 and ive already checked them 3-4 times.... is that too much? sorry its just so hard to leave them alone i want to make sure they are okay! both of their tummies look round and full, and they are squirming plenty but still sleeping quite a bit. they seem healthy and all but i really need to know how often i can check on them... ive only taken them out of the nest box about 3 times today but ive been peeking in it once every hour or so. should i leave them alone more? its hard to stay away! me being a first time bunny mom and all... i will DEFINITELY be checking them at least once a day, but should i be leaving them alone more? is it bad to mess with them too much? im trying to keep them as warm as possible but like i said its hard to leave them alone theyre so cute and tiny!!!!


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
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somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
If inside the ears is also white then Chestnut or potentially chinchilla but chances of chestnut are high.

If mom has no issues with you handling them then it is fine. Some does don't do well with it while others are fine. YOU know your animals best :) They are always better socialized when handled often from birth.


Loving the herd life
Jan 25, 2016
Reaction score
Vale, Oregon
I agree with Samantha drawz. If she is fine with it then that's great! For me I normally handle about 4-6 times from day 1-7 and then day 7-14 i handle about 7-10 times letting the kits crawl around my room alittle for maybe 5-10 minutes and on day 14-21 I just handle them whenever I need too cause at about day 13 mine have a pretty good coat of fur and there eyes begin to open and they start hoping for the first time. I normal just sit with them and after they open their eyes I start checking and playing with them more often.

As for selling them are the rabbits you saw on CL pedigreed? If they aren't then I would say 40$ for a doe and 35-30$ for a buck. So it really depends of the quality of the ones that you see on Craigslist but for a pedigreed mini lop I would probably try 50$ OBO for bucks and does and see if people would take them for that much or they ask to lower the price alittle. Just be sure you put all the info about them and let people know they would be good pets or good for show or for breeding. After about 4 days of that price I would probably lower it a bit but that's what normally works for me with my rabbits :)


Ridin' The Range
Mar 9, 2016
Reaction score
oh really? great wow thats awesome because yes i really enjoy holding and petting them even when theyre this little :) and yeah the doe is very sweet with me but is pretty protective of the nest. while shes hopping around my room i take the nest box for a minute and check through it but try not to take it for too long because she freaks out when she notices its gone. and no most of the rabbits on craigslist were not pedigreed, and most of them were purebred but some were not. And really wow thats awesome. I would pedigree them but i don't have the mom's pedigree and i dont know how to pedigree them... so i'll probably just sell them for $30-$40. :) okay wow thank you so much ill try that :) and haha yes i hate it when people post ads for selling animals and don't provide any description. I'll be sure to add all the info. ;) thanks!