Hi all, these are my first goats, I have a Pygora doe in milk, and I am holding her for my ND doeling to nurse. Not bad at first, but then she began to lay down while the baby was trying to nurse. The doeling is 41/2 weeks old, so not much longer to go, but it's getting very hard to hold the doe. I am hoisting her hind end up and propping it on my knee while holding her collar and she eats her goat treat and while she has that she remains mostly still. I'm afraid of hurting her, but the doeling has to eat. I tried milking her but she does the same thing, lies down on the bucket, and the doeling won't take a bottle anyway. Any ideas on how to solve this? I want to milk her after the baby weans so don't want to let her go dry. I know there must be a solution, just need someone to point it out to me. Thanks.