Doe Rabbit not doing well after over-heating, suggestions needed

Pennywise Corgi

Just born
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
My boys showed rabbits in the local stock show earlier this year, so we decided to keep most of what they showed and got a few more with the intention of raising rabbits. We have had no real issues until yesterday when temps soared to over 100 degrees. We lost a pregnant doe and a doe along with her two week old nursing babies. One of our young female rabbits was about to the point of heat stroking out when we brought her in the house. She seemed to recover from it and was interested and eating and drinking a bit last night. Today, however, she seems stiff in the hind end and is not showing interest in food or water. I need suggestions on where to head from here with her. She was hopping around earlier today but little movement for past several hours. What can I do to help her?


Pennywise Corgi

Just born
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
And BTW, we put frozen 2 liter bottles of water in the cages for them today, which seemed to help them "chill out." We have a fan, but I think the jump from 80 degree temps to over 100 was just too much at once for the poor rabbits. They had plenty of water but we didn't even realize how hot temps had gotten for them until we were in a real crisis.



Ridin' The Range
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction score
It sounds like you are doing what you can for her. Has she eaten anything? Is she even interested in food, or water??

I would continue with the frozen water bottles, if she is using them. Is she laying on them, etc. Probably should get more in the freezer, so that they will be ready, if you haven't already...

I hope all goes well, and keep us updated!!

Pennywise Corgi

Just born
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for the reply. I stayed up with her trying to coax her into nibbling something. She was very receptive to vitamin/electrolyte water, and I kept offering it to her every little bit until about 1 am. I had thought maybe she would show some improvement, but when I got up about 6 she was stiffer in the hind end. She had peed a bunch, but she couldn't get around at all so she was pretty soaked with it. As much as I hated to do it, I had my hubby go ahead and put the poor girl down. I was scheduled for a sub day at school, so I would have had to just leave her here in the house in the laundry basket all day til I got out at 3:15, then I had to work my other job after that. The kids had ball games, so I knew there was no way to tend to her at all for pretty much the entire day.

If anyone knows of something that will help in a case like this, PLEASE let me know things to try in case we ever run into this again. I Googled but nothing came back that seemed to fit the symptoms. I kinda know basics to try with dairy goats, but nothing with rabbits. With the goat remedies, I know from experience it's "win some, lose some" but I don't even know things to try with rabbits.

I have been on BYH and BYC before and have gotten lots of valuable advice with my chooks and goaties, but I don't have my password and don't have the email address that I signed up with. I guess I am saying that I am now reincarnated here as a Corgi.

