I have a 19 month old doe who is going to kid in a week or two. During the past few days I would sometimes notice her standing a little crooked. Today I looked at her close up and I noticed her front legs especially by the shoulders are spread out. Compared to her fellow goats her points of elbow are stretched out from her body. I can easily fit my hand between her point of elbow and where it should be connected by her heart girth. Should I call a vet? I don't want her to be permanently lame. She is one of the lower goats in the pen she shares with seven others. Could this be caused by being bucked around? She still can walk around just when she stands and runs, it looks very off. Her hooves and legs look okay it is just by her two front shoulders that she seems stretched out-almost like a spider (when she stands and runs). Did she stretch or pull a muscle? Should I wrap her shoulders to her body? This is the first time I have noticed anything like this. I would greatly appreciate any advice on how I can help her.