On Friday 3/5 my Doeling ran up some sheet metal of their housing. Getting a cut deep cut on her hind leg. I applied Neosporin and Bluekote then wrapped it with vet wrap. I did my vet wrap to tightly and the next day her hooves were swollen and wouldn't put any weight on it. I removed the vet wrap for the day and reapplied Neosporin and Bluekote. I put the vet wrap back loosely like a sheath. Almost daily I have been changing her Neosporin and Bluekote. On Monday she started putting weight on her foot and has been running around normally. She still picks it up when she stands. I don't think its broken. She still has a swollen hoof but it has gone down tad. What worried me is that it feels hot to the touch. Today I took the vet wrap off to breath and plan to put it back before she sleeps. Is there anything I could do to help? Will vitamins be helpful? Nutridrench? Is it infected? I don't have any RX antibiotics and I live in CA so I can't get LA200. Anything will be helpful.