Beekissed, I read somewhere that geese are good weeders and "grassers" in orchards. Have you ever tried them? (Geese scare me, so I can't imagine having a gaggle on weed/grass patrol myself, but...)
We've read salatin's books and love the ideas beyond his system. Just for us a few elements haven't worked as well in our practice as for him. So we sort of modified what he did to what we have and make it work for us.
we have a bit of 65 acres and run about 50 cows, originally they wer ein two pens of roughly 30+/- acres a piece.
Rather then use salatin's movable electric fencing which we just couldn't justify for the price. We simply arranged a few extra gates here and there with some minor fence work to make about 6 pastures that feed one to the next and yet all have some form of water accessible to them ( be it stock tanks in four of them to creek in the last two). Depending on the actual grass condition in each pasture the cows may spend as little as a day there to as long as a week. We never let them graze it to low but we make sure they do a thorough job of it before they move to the next.