Overrun with beasties
Or milking sheep, or any info at all regarding sheep's milk (other than it is used for cheese)
there's not alot of info on it.
I really want a dairy animal of sorts. My land is not big enough for even a dexter, we've tried goats and may try them again (our fence was not goat friendly), but my dh is not crazy about the whole goat thing, so I am considering sheep as I have heard they can be milked. And I have found info that yes, indeed they are being milked, with East Friesian being the most popular, for cheese. I can find no info on whether the fat can be separated, like a cows, whether it is naturally homogenized, like a goats, what the taste is like, how long a ewe is in milk for before she needs to be bred again etc etc. All I've read is you can get about a quart and a half from a ewe.
If anyone has any info to share, please share.
there's not alot of info on it.
I really want a dairy animal of sorts. My land is not big enough for even a dexter, we've tried goats and may try them again (our fence was not goat friendly), but my dh is not crazy about the whole goat thing, so I am considering sheep as I have heard they can be milked. And I have found info that yes, indeed they are being milked, with East Friesian being the most popular, for cheese. I can find no info on whether the fat can be separated, like a cows, whether it is naturally homogenized, like a goats, what the taste is like, how long a ewe is in milk for before she needs to be bred again etc etc. All I've read is you can get about a quart and a half from a ewe.
If anyone has any info to share, please share.