Does anyone make their own dog food?


Ridin' The Range
Dec 20, 2014
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I'm not disagreeing about them needing fruits and veggies. I just think that people over-complicate the matter and make it into this "dog must eat x lbs of meat, x lbs of leafy greens, x lbs of veggies, be healthy" thing.

That's why I don't feed just raw. I'm not a nutritional expert and I'm not a scientist. I don't have the time to figure out who's raw diet is best.

From what I've observed, I don't think my Pyrs chase the rabbits. Their hunting method is to lie in wait and basically let the rabbit walk into their mouth.

I recently sold a ram to someone who feeds raw to her 11 year old Great Dane. If you know anything about GDs, that is very old. 7-8 years is old. She does minimal vaccinations and feeds raw and he is going strong. Still goes on long hikes.

Lol you are so right! I guess I just worry about making my babies sick because I'm not giving them everything they need. Lol again, you are so right. I'm not either one of those either.

Wow that would be quite the thing to see!

Oh my that is amazing. My neighbor has 3 great danes. She has also had a lot of them in the past, that pass away at very young ages, it's so sad. I'll have to tell her about that, as that is really amazing!