Black Tie Farms
Chillin' with the herd
(all my rabbits live in my dinning room) My angora doe kindled last night (11:30pm) I tried to check on them before I went to bed but every time I tried to take a look she would jump back in the nest box. I could see them moving around and she pulled fur so I went to bed. At 4:30 this morning I got up to check on things and they were all (9 of them) uncovered, cold, and not cleaned off very well at all. 3 of them were slowly moving, I was able to get one more moving and breathing. So I had the moving 4 held against me, and My husband. One was obviously dead and the other four I tried using the water therapy method, It didn't work. Soon the surviving four started dieing off, I tried to put the few that were left back in with the doe hoping she would nurse them.......she wasn't interested...ugh......So I held her down, squeezed some milk and tried to get the one struggling kit to nurse, that wasn't easy! and that one died with in the hour............ does this happen often? Do I give her another chance? Should I have done something differently? I think I was spoiled with my very first litter with another doe.....she did everything perfect! needed no help in any area.....just perfect! sorry for my rambling, only had 4 hours of sleep....zzzzzzzzz