Does your herd have to be all the same breed?


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
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We keep boers, nubians, and boer/nubi crosses..

Seems to me that it's more important to keep the bucks seperate from the does so you know who's breeding whom and when, and further to make sure nobody's getting bullied to the point of exclusion (kept from the hay, grain, water, shelter, etc). That goes for any herd, though -- mixed or homogenous.

I mean...they fight...that's just the nature of a goat.. They can be downright brutal with one another, in fact, but I wouldn't suspect to see a "breed war" or anything.

And, as for the horns/no-horns thing...we've currently got two bucklings together in that situation. The nubian is disbudded, and the boer-cross has a really nice set of horns coming along. He's also quite a bit 'beefier' than the nubian and could easily boss him around.

The only consequence thus far is that the nubian really seems to enjoy scratching the top of his head on the boer-cross's horns. Otherwise, they pretty much take turns laying across one another when they get sleepy, and you never see one eating or drinking or just walking around without the other..
