Does your state or county have a minimum fencing standard?

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
I use glyphosate in our ponds, but we don't have lilly pads so I can't swear it'd work on those.
I noticed that our "Weedtrine" pond weed killer is I started using it at the same rate as the "Weedtrine" bottle suggests, to kill pond weeds last year.

Cattails and weeds in it and grass around it = TOAST. The fish, frogs, and dragonflies are (seemingly) fine.

I'll go ya one better than saving by using glyphosate instead of weedtrine, too....we carry a product called Big and Tuff - 41% glyphosate - that is the 'cheap' version of regular roundup....right?

Well, we have something else even cheaper, called Compare and Save concentrated grass and weed killer....41% glyphosate! For 20$ a gallon. Throw in my discount, and that's 17$ a gallon!

Granted glyphosate doesn't last long like works for the pond and pasture fence just fine and dandy.

The sprayer we got has a boom, we've just never used it b/c I sold the 4-wheeler shortly after buying it. :hide
(Seriously, how many ride-on toys does one man need? I put his 4-wheeler on C-list and had it sold in one day....)

I figure DH can rig up some way to attatch them to the gator if we ever need to.....I spray it all by hand. We bought a 'better' hand sprayer to use b/c I have carpal tunnel and tendonitis so squeezing a trigger for hours locks my hand up.

I lack the female shopping gene that makes clothing shopping fun. Animal accessories, yes....clothes / shoes / etc....Blech!

The closest I've ever come to quitting the store was when they wanted me to become *gag me* "clothing specialist"..... :rolleyes:

I have a genormous set of Lopers I use to take out large branches / small trees / annoying children. (just kidding about the children....sorta....)


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
My wife, up until last week--worked at Walmart------women's apparel. I swear she spent more on clothes, even with her discount--than she made every week.

I don't get enough rainfall here for Pramitol to work well, since it does most of it's work thru the root system, and relies on rainfall for it to be carried down to the roots.
If, you are having trouble with tough or even woody plants coming back next spring, you might want to give Remedy Ultra a try. It's expensive--$87/gal at TSC, and needs to be mixed with diesel for it to work well, but it will kill most plants I have thru the foilage, and kills the roots as well. I can spray 3' tall Chinese Tallow with it one day, and 2 days later, it's as if autumn has arrived--3 days later, the leaves are all gone and a week later, trees 8" in diameter are dead. (On bigger stuff, I do the hack and squirt thing, cutting a frill on 3 sides of the trunk, then squirting about 2 ml into the frill.
I have looked into what is called a HypoHatchet for the bigger tallow trees using Remedy Ultra. It is expensive, but 1 gallon of Rem Ultra will treat all my exterior fencelines and my 3 crossfences--about 4 miles of fence.

I have also used Crossbow, which is the same as Remedy Ultra + 2,4d--can't say i saw any difference tho.

Now, since you work at TSC, you may be able to order Remedy--(not Remedy Ultra) The difference is, regular Remedy will mix with water--Remedy Ultra will not. As soon as I get my applicator's lic, I will be using a lot of Grazon Next on the open pasture--with a weed wiper instead of a boomless sprayer. If I can't find a wiper locally, I will be going with Banvel--a broadleaf herbicide--to kill off some of the pigweed.