How old is your puppy? Is it a lump? Or is it soft and you can move it around? Does it seem tender? Are her gums white? Lighter pink? When you push on the gums, you will see if the color comes back quickly. You can also check her color by pulling down her lower eyelid and see if its pale or not . Lift up her skin and see how quickly it snaps back. If it does it quickly, she might not be dehydrated. But if its slow,she could be
Just because she is acting calm and playing doesnt mean there isnt a serious issue. If you can, call a local vet and explain it to them over the phone. They might be able to help you understand if anything is wrong and advise you further.
The puppy is about 2 to 3 months old. It harder than the other side. The gums a pinkish and when I pull her skin it goes back pretty fast. I called the vet and made a appointment Friday.
Good! Glad to see that. Im glad your having a vet look at her. I work for one, but its always best to have a trained professional look at her and tell you for sure. Keep us posted!