Hey there @lpyrbby There is so much "garbage" on many web sites nowadays that it can "overload" a browser and system. One of the things that I have done and it may help you:
Switch to "Firefox" browser (IE is slow as molasses outside in the arctic! As well as always having "leaks", "holes" and potential exploitation issues (virus/trojan/PUP/etc.), not to mention scripts, scripts, and MORE scripts.) https://www.mozilla.org/
Then download and activate/install a couple of very good add ons (most are free!) to enhance the program.
One is called "No Script" (2.5 million downloads) which will block all scripts from (automatically) running when you first load any website/page. Many scripts are purely for advertising; pop-ups, side bars, top bars, etc. Others are to collect information about YOU from your computer without your permission, like sites you've visited lately/browser history, where you go on their site, any ads that you may have opened, and where you go when you leave their site, and SO MUCH MORE! Others can add malware and other devious nasty stuff to your system. Some scripts are solely designed to activate and load ADDITIONAL scripts! It's really a nightmare. With No Script, when you fist open a new site, it will open a warning box that you can click on and see what scripts have been blocked and then selectively allow those scripts that are absolutely necessary to open/load/see the page and no others.
Another is called "Add Blocker Plus" (23.5 million downloads) which does exactly what it's name states it will do. I don't see any adds, pop-up or other when I visit sites. I can go in and exempt some sites to allow pop ups if I want as some sites (like bank sites etc) need those pop ups to open windows you want to see.
One more that's very important to my way of thinking is called "Blur" which "hides" your personal info from sites trying to collect it. It makes you anonymous.
There are all kinds of add ons, extensions, and themes available to personalize your web browser for just you! https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/
Hope this helps you.
Edit to add: Greetings from the front range in Colorado.
I just noticed you're new to the site.
Hope you can get the kinks worked out as the site is awesome for info and personal help w/herd issues! Folks are great and the threads provide a wealth of valuable insights. Good luck! OH, this was your 2nd post and I already greeted you in your first intro post...
well, hello again!
Switch to "Firefox" browser (IE is slow as molasses outside in the arctic! As well as always having "leaks", "holes" and potential exploitation issues (virus/trojan/PUP/etc.), not to mention scripts, scripts, and MORE scripts.) https://www.mozilla.org/
Then download and activate/install a couple of very good add ons (most are free!) to enhance the program.
One is called "No Script" (2.5 million downloads) which will block all scripts from (automatically) running when you first load any website/page. Many scripts are purely for advertising; pop-ups, side bars, top bars, etc. Others are to collect information about YOU from your computer without your permission, like sites you've visited lately/browser history, where you go on their site, any ads that you may have opened, and where you go when you leave their site, and SO MUCH MORE! Others can add malware and other devious nasty stuff to your system. Some scripts are solely designed to activate and load ADDITIONAL scripts! It's really a nightmare. With No Script, when you fist open a new site, it will open a warning box that you can click on and see what scripts have been blocked and then selectively allow those scripts that are absolutely necessary to open/load/see the page and no others.
Another is called "Add Blocker Plus" (23.5 million downloads) which does exactly what it's name states it will do. I don't see any adds, pop-up or other when I visit sites. I can go in and exempt some sites to allow pop ups if I want as some sites (like bank sites etc) need those pop ups to open windows you want to see.
One more that's very important to my way of thinking is called "Blur" which "hides" your personal info from sites trying to collect it. It makes you anonymous.
There are all kinds of add ons, extensions, and themes available to personalize your web browser for just you! https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/
Hope this helps you.
Edit to add: Greetings from the front range in Colorado.