Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal


True BYH Addict
Mar 31, 2020
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Eastern WA - USA
I think my baby Buff roo is sick! I posted this in the health thread on backyard chickens, but I want to post it here too!

My 4 week old Buff Orpington Rooster, seems to be off of his feed this morning! Every day I feed my chicks a morning mash of chick starter soaked in warm water. This little guy is the one that is always there to greet me and hop in my hand! Today, he was totally disinterested. I left them for a bit and came back and he was still standing in the same place he was when I left. I also give them a clump of grass and dirt to scratch around in...just to let you know the routine! I brought him into the house with me and checked him over...his crop is soft and I'm really not sure about his tummy! I want to observe him to see if he is going to the bathroom. Is there anything else I should check. I have some homemade electrolytes for chicks, should I give him some of that or wait and just watch him for a bit. I will be so sad if anything happens to him, he's my favorite!

We had our chicks inoculated for Mareks and Coccidiosis, this is the first time we have done so. We gave medicated feed before and never had a problem like this, but I thought this would be the way to go! I don't think I will ever do it again.😪

I thought he was starting to improve with the electrolytes that I was giving him and then he started going downhill again. My oldest son happened to be in town today, which hardly ever happens, so he was able to pick me up some Corid, which I was advised to give based on how he's acting and on the way his poop looked. I administered it as soon as my son got home from town...I just hope it was in time! 😪

Sick Roo...4.16.2020.jpg
Sick Roo 2...4.16.2020.jpg
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SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Poor little guy. Hope he makes it!
I don’t do any vaccinations or use medicated feed. Instead I put Apple Coder Vinegar (organic with the mother) in the water for all my birds young and old. For day olds, I put some honey with it to give them an extra boost after hatching (seems to really help my turkeys especially!). I occasionally give dried or chopped up oregano, garlic, and cayenne to all my birds for prevention purposes - and to any new arrivals to help boost their immune systems.
(I also used to give ACV to my rabbits. Oregano too, but they never went for garlic or cayenne lol)


True BYH Addict
Mar 31, 2020
Reaction score
Eastern WA - USA
Poor little guy. Hope he makes it!
I don’t do any vaccinations or use medicated feed. Instead I put Apple Coder Vinegar (organic with the mother) in the water for all my birds young and old. For day olds, I put some honey with it to give them an extra boost after hatching (seems to really help my turkeys especially!). I occasionally give dried or chopped up oregano, garlic, and cayenne to all my birds for prevention purposes - and to any new arrivals to help boost their immune systems.
(I also used to give ACV to my rabbits. Oregano too, but they never went for garlic or cayenne lol)
Thank you, I hope so too! He's my favorite, the one that's always jumping in my hand!
I've been thinking about using ACV as well as using the different herbs! How much do you put in your water...I have the kind with the mother in it too!

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you, I hope so too! He's my favorite, the one that's always jumping in my hand!
I've been thinking about using ACV as well as using the different herbs! How much do you put in your water...I have the kind with the mother in it too!
I don’t really measure anymore lol, but I think it’s supposed to be 2 tbsp/gallon. I just do a dollop for my chick waterers and two glugs for everyone else 😆


True BYH Addict
Mar 31, 2020
Reaction score
Eastern WA - USA
An update! I started my Little Roo on Corid today...he's still not doing the greatest. I will give him another dose before I go to bed and hopefully he will still be with me tomorrow! I've also added it to his waterer, but he's still not drinking on his own, I will also administer some electrolytes after I give him his dose of Corid! We also decided to dose the flock and we completely cleaned out the coop! They will all be treated for the next 7 days! Hopefully that will keep them well until they are big enough to build immunity! It's amazing how drained I feel over one sweet Little Roo! :)


True BYH Addict
Mar 31, 2020
Reaction score
Eastern WA - USA
Good morning!

Little Roo made it through the night! 💞 My husband went out first to check on him...I was afraid to...and he was sitting on top of his water bottle! He set him down and saw him pecking at his food! I gave him some mash and he ate a little of it! I left the screen off and he got up on the edge of the tote! So I put the screen back on and was hearing a weird noise, he was jumping up and hitting the screen cover...Now I'm hoping he didn't injure himself in doing so...silly chick! He's still not 100%, but I'm hoping he's over the hump and will make it! He's currently sleeping in my lap! I think my husband is working on a bigger hospital enclosure for him, I don't want to put him back out with the flock just yet! I will continue to give him Corid from a dropper for the next couple of days! Thank you so much everyone! 💞

Eating some mash!
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True BYH Addict
Mar 31, 2020
Reaction score
Eastern WA - USA
Little Roo is doing really well...so unless something unseen is going on inside of his little body, I think he is going to be okay! :love

Between taking care of my Little Roo, he spent some time with us today, I helped my husband Dale build a rabbit tractor! We actually got it finished today. We used left over materials from other projects...metal roofing from my horse shelter (the screws came from my husbands sister), used hinges, the wire on the bottom came from our son and we had a roll of chicken wire that we've had for probably 20 years. We picked up the 2x4's from Lowes for 70% off...they were in great condition! The door is from the pallet of doors that we bought for $25! So, all in all, this probably cost us less than $25 to build, Dale said the screws are expensive! Dale did a great job with it and it should last a long time!

Little Roo inspecting to make sure everything is done correctly!
Rabbit Tractor With Little Roo.jpg

First Occupants...besides Roo!
Rabbit Tractor With Rabbits.jpg

Now the Build!
Corner Detail!
Rabbit Tractor Corner Brace Detaile.jpg

Rabbit Tractor Frame.jpg

Attaching the wire!
Rabbit Tractor  Adding The Wire.jpg

Outside Sheeting for the Enclosure
Rabbit Tractor With Outside Enclosure Sheeting.jpg

Door to Enclosure Detail - A Blue door from our pallet of doors!
Rabit Tractor Door Detail.jpg

Lid Hinge Detail
Rabbit Tractor Lid Hinge Detail.jpg

Putting on The Roof
Rabit Tractor Putting on the Roof.jpg
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Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
That's a beautiful rabbit tractor!

So glad your little roo made it thru his sickies. They tear at our hearts in unexpected ways. Yeah, we sure understand it!

Those piglets are cute right now, won't be at 300#. LOL But, that's one of the reasons we don't mind sending them to butcher! Then you have "cute" pork chops!