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True BYH Addict
Today has been quite a day! My chicks have decided that those new feathers everyone is sporting, need to be picked at, so lets just keep picking until it bleeds, ooh red, let's really go after it now! Two chicks have been moved to a tote and coated with a homemade version of BluKote. A third chick also needed to be treated, but she is one of the worst ones for picking at everyone, so I can't put her in the tote, even with the bluKote, they aren't leaving it alone...
We are changing gears this evening, my husband is going to try to finish the nesting box, so we can move them out to the coop and separate them with wire! The second rabbit hutch will have to wait! My chick brooder is a crib we bought, because I knew they would grow out of a tote way to quickly, evidently they have outgrown the crib and they are only 2 weeks old. Definitely different than my Banty's were!