Duck Chat withdrawal ....


True BYH Addict
May 23, 2018
Reaction score
Foothills of NC
Wow...It's storming here..Pouring rain and hailing..:eek:
I hope it clears up soon...:idunno...:barnie..I have to feed and water all my animals but it's too terrible outside to do it yet..:th
Oh mylanta! It's been overcast today and a bit windy. Makes for a good day to be out working. I've been taking advantage of the weather. You can actually breathe outside. I hate your getting pounded with hail.....

My little roosters have been really battling this year. A few are looking pretty wore out, and half naked, but they still go at it daily. I can keep up with who's on top of the bantam pecking order, it seems to change daily. My big boys never fight, just the little guys.
What is it they say? "The smaller the critter the bigger it thinks it is...."

We will be going kayaking with some friends this afternoon. 3 hours. I don't know if I can handle all that time on the water. :eek:
Yay! I like to go out on the water! Lol