Farmer Jenn
Chillin' with the herd
I recently purchased a Californian doe to add to my herd. The owner said she had been bred with her buck "approximately" 2 weeks before because she originally planned on keeping her but then decided on keeping a younger doe. The doe I purchased is young, only around 5-6 months, (she couldn't exactly remember when she was born either), so she wasn't sure if the pregnancy took. I'm pretty sure she's pregnant. She's huge. Lays around a lot with belly out to side, lunges when I put my hand in the cage, and digs frantically at the corners of her cage. My problem is, I don't know exactly when 28 days is to put the nest box in. I don't want to put it in too late. 2 weeks from the day I bought her would be Oct. 19th and she would kindle around the 22nd but judging from her size, I'm thinking she'll give birth before that. I have another doe due on the 18th and I'm putting her nest box in on Tuesday or Wednesday (her previous owner thought she kindled at 28 days for her last two litters). Should I put the nest box in for the Californian doe at the same time? (Even if it may be a whole week before she kindles?) Here is a pic of Cookie and her huge belly from a couple days ago. Any Californian breeders or experienced rabbit breeders have any recommendations?