Hi everyone! I need some help with my little dwarf goat. She is 5 weeks old (was told her birthday was 12-11-2017 and she was one of triplets and mom died, supposedly got colostrum). She had a few incidents of diarrhea in the beginning but then was doing well. We tried to put her in the barn in a playpen so she could be by our baby male goat. Well she got out of her playpen and beat up by the male. We took her to the vet when this happened and she on the way started having bad scours. We did a fecal at the vet and she was positive for coccidia. She got pain medication, sq fluids and coccidia was treated with ponazuril per the vet. Scours is slowly improving, vet is having us do sq fluids and kaolin pectin as needed. Here's my problem and the vet is stumped: Up to this point she has had a great appetite and inhales her bottle. She gets manna pro kid milk 8 ounces 3 times a day. But now she is eating maybe 2 or 3 ounces. She acts like she wants the bottle though, then she will suckle a little and not want anymore. But then still acts hungry. She has free access to coastal hay. She got a hold of a few bites of alfalfa and loved it, should I give her alfalfa? And any idea why she won't finish her bottle?