DWBONFIRE (pics added 10/9/2011)


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Dec 8, 2010
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Hey there!

It is hard being out of routine, lol.

If I come across that darn tag I am looking for, I'll lay it aside for you and you can use it when your ready if you want it.

Her head butting has gotten much better over the past two days. SHe learned pretty quickly that there was no lovin from me if she was being rough. I can go pet the goats and make her jealous, lol. She is still a fireball and when I take her out to the grassy paddock.....she just explodes and runs laps, lol.

Today was pretty nasty weather, rainy and pretty chilly so she had to spend the day inside. She was going a little crazy when I went out to feed the goats. Hollering and squealing, and bucking in the stall, so I gave her a basketball to play with. She was pretty funny, head butting that ball and kicking it. She was even trying to stand on it. When I went back out to feed her, she had settled down and was ready for her supper and some sleep. After her milk, she went straight to her pile of hay, laid down and starting working her cud.

She ate her grain very well today and did eat a little hay as well because she wasnt out on any grass.

Your right, she will be bigger when you get back. Today, I had to let out the halter that I've been putting on her.

I'll try and get you some more pics when the weather clears up........

Enjoy your family. Chores and routine wont go anywhere, but family is a limited time offer.

OH, I hope your dad is feeling better!


Loving the herd life
Apr 15, 2011
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"Enjoy your family. Chores and routine wont go anywhere, but family is a limited time offer."

That is very true! I will just keep reminding myself that when I feel homesick.

My dad was so so sick the whole way up, so I drove the entire way straight thru without a nap, therefore I was run down and now I have the cold! Not nearly as bad as him thankfully.

I cant believe you already had to adjust her halter!!! I hope she will fit in that same crate for the ride home! :/
That picture of her with the goat is too cute. Are they still out together? Has she given up on trying to make friends with them? lol

Are most of the calves you had as wild as she is? I know that bag of milk she is on (the open bag) said it was a high energy formula so I didnt know if that had anything to do with it, or if shes just naturally spunky!? Did you open the new bag of milk yet? Im curious if she will calm down a bit once shes off the high energy stuff. Shes that way at home too, running laps and kicking up her heals, too funny!

I hope you have better weather today, I know the rain is headed this way for tomorrow.


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Dec 8, 2010
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I'm sorry that you have the cold!! Isnt it wonderful how family shares?

Halter training is incredibly easy when they are on a bucket or bottle. They just about teach themselves.

I dont leave her out with the goats at night. She goes in her stall by herself at night. But the goats do look for her, and they all are "Talking" thru the window. They still will not play together, but they have starting playingnext to each other. The goats will run a lap around the paddock, kicking it up and bucking while the calf watches, then the calf will make the run while the goats watch.

Most of the calves that I have raised do play hard when led off the lead, she is pretty normal as far as that goes. As far as her headbutting etc, to people, I've never seen a calf that agressive about it. I dont mean aggressive in a bad way, maybe persistant is a better word. I think I know why she was head butting so, and I will show you when you get here. Its nothing terrible, so dont go gettin all worried about it.

We are almost at the end of the old bag of milk, so I will be opening the new bag tongiht and givng her a mix of the two. lol, you can hope if you want, but she is still gonna be bouncy on this new bag of milk.

Its still yucky here, but I let her out for just a few minutes while I clean the stall. She came back in limping a little, but when I looked...........she had a small stick wedged between her toes. She just would NOT let me get to her feet. She bucked, she kicked, she put on a big show. I told her that I always win, she said "moo". Soooo, I pinned her up against the wall, and picked up her foot, got the stick out and checked for a wound (there was not a wound), while she hollered at the top of her lungs, calling all of our herd to the barn (they hadnt figured out there was a calf in the yet). LOL, they could with in 50 feet of the barn, the whole herd (40 of them) of pregnant momma cows that started hollering to this baby. You calf, got real still and listened to them for a minute..............then she let out a tremendous "MMMAAAAAAAAAAAAA". I took her over to see them, but she freaked out at the site of 40 mommas and ran to put herself in her stall. lol


Ridin' The Range
May 23, 2011
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Shapleigh, Maine
redtailgal, it sounds like you are having sooo much fun! It amazes me sometimes the sound that a little one can muster up when they put their full lungs into it. She sounds like she has quite a little personality. :lol:

Royd Wood

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Feb 5, 2010
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Ontario Canada
What on earth are we going to do with you when this calf goes back home - Perhaps I should send you a freshly weaned Galloway to keep you company ;)


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Dec 8, 2010
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HECK YEAH! Royd, I would love a Galloway.............. make it a heifer. (or two)

:lol: OOOHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I have tears running down my face! :lol: :gig :lol:

I could just SEE my FIL's face......:ep :lol: :lol:

See, several of his Registered Polled Hereford heifers are about ready to calve........within the next two weeks. If I could somehow get a little wee belted one out there in that pasture with those heifers early one morning........................:lol: :clap

That would be HYSTERICAL!!!!!!


The Farm Zookeeper
Mar 12, 2011
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redtailgal said:
HECK YEAH! Royd, I would love a Galloway.............. make it a heifer. (or two)

:lol: OOOHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I have tears running down my face! :lol: :gig :lol:

I could just SEE my FIL's face......:ep :lol: :lol:

See, several of his Registered Polled Hereford heifers are about ready to calve........within the next two weeks. If I could somehow get a little wee belted one out there in that pasture with those heifers early one morning........................:lol: :clap

That would be HYSTERICAL!!!!!!
:yuckyuck:lol: :ep

Royd Wood

New Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Ontario Canada
:lol: :lol: redtail

I know a family that wound up their father by sneaking into the field just before him and wrapping kitchen towel around a solid black Galloway calf as their dad only liked blacks and had no time for belted cows.

How long before the calf returns


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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Maybe two weeks before she goes home Royd.

Calf and I had a fight last night.

The rain cleared up enough for her to go outside awhile, so I took her out. She ran and played and carried on.

LOL, when it was time for her to come back in, she didnt want to. I had to get her in a corner and holder her there while I got the halter on her. Then she just flat out refused to walk............she bucked all the way back to the barn. She put her nose to the ground, roached up her back and played rodeo bull ALL THE WAY, lol. Then when I got her to the barn, she kicked me. twice. and tried to bolt back out to the pasture. lol