I went back and reread your first post. As long as she seems fine as far as acting normal etc...I would watch, probably give her food she likes and see how things go. It's good to be watching her and keeping tabs...if she seems weak or unwell then intervene. The electrolyte with vitamins is a good idea if she isn't eating much.
I have several broodies throughout the year. I've never watched how much they eat etc. when they have their chicks. I leave it up to them. I have 4-5 broodies that have been setting on eggs for 1-2 weeks and I've never seen any of them eat or drink...but I'm pretty sure they do and I leave them to their devices. They did the same thing last year and they hatched, well...too many chicks...lol.
She seems fine? I think broodies are programmed a bit like the roosters...where they tidbit for the chicks but don't eat much themselves because they want the chicks to get the food. Broodies seem to be clucking too much all the time to really be eating much...lol.
The chicks are with her right now. At the very least they need to mingle with the older kids and get used to everyone. I've always done it this way but normally I have momma to protect them. I will be back out there in a few and spend the day as usual with them.
But right now I really need to figure out how much of thie vitamin & electrolyte plus to put in their water. for everyone.
It's a 4 ounce pouch says to put the pouch in 128 gallons of water. Soooo I need to figure out how much to put in a 1 gallon, 3 gallon and a 5 gallon
If you want to help I will let ya
What the link to my thread @ BYC maybe I should be going and doing this over there.
Oh sorry...nothing gave me an alert that you'd posted.
Yes, don't you love mixing with those amounts...lol. Not! I will mention one thing I've read that I didn't know until a month ago...apparently one has to watch when you give electrolytes. It's fine if it's to an individual that needs it...like a sick hen or sheep that isn't eating and needs the electrolyte portion of it. But with healthy animals/birds that aren't under stress...the salt can be detrimental because they don't need it. For the entire healthy flock, vitamins meant for them is better. Unless they're under stress...then by all means give them electrolytes.
I wish I had known that about the electrolytes before I made up everyones water. I will get clean water in the outside waterer Get the chicks water back to fresh and just leave the one she is drinking out of with it. And Just pray the Good Lord takes care of everything. Maybe I should see about getting straight vits that I can feed everyone.
I will take care of several things I read in this one post. Then go back out with the kids.
Mom is very week. I am lucky she is getting up to drink I think it is mostly because all the little ones want to camp on her back. I think I will separate them again for a while and give her a break. They get so upset. Takes a bit to settle down if at all.
All it seems she will eat at all is grass. She keeps looking at the crumbles but not eating. I don't understand. I don't think I have any laying pellets right now to try. I am so limited on fund 'til I get my SSI. And I always put everyone on what the chicks eat and never had an issue before. Wish I could get some laying pellets and see if she would eat those. But funds And some meal-worms to try
Sorry if I missed anything. I will quit bugging you folks here and go back where I belong.
Thank you so much for everything.... Everyone.
I found online someone sais 1/8 tsp per gallon. I will go with that for now. 1/4 for stressed chickens.
That will be a very diluted measure.
There are 128 oz in 1 gallon.
128oz X 128 gallons=16,384 oz of water.
4 oz ÷ 16,384 oz=.0002 ounces of mix per 1 gallon of water.
.0007 oz per 3 gal of water.
.001 oz of solution per 5 gal of water.
Even if you convert the .0002 oz of water to milliliters it's still an unusable measurement. (.0002 oz=.006 milliliters.)
But, 1 oz = 591 drops.
Therefore, .0002 oz=.118 drops, which is a much more useful measurement per gallon of water.
.118 drops x 3 (gal) = .414 drops per 3 gal of water
.118 X 5 (gal) = .591 drops per 5 gal of water, or just over 1/2 drop per 5 gallons of water.
Darn, I totally missed you. When you get on BYC...send me a conversation. I can't find you. I'm not really certain how to search, yet.
I'm going to be out but I can help figure out the stuff if you wish. I usually break it down like this...
4oz - 128 g
2oz - 64g
1oz - 32g
1/2oz - 16g
1/4oz - 8g
1/8oz- 4g
I break my amounts to grams and litres since I'm from Canada...lol. I pull out the measuring spoons I have for the chickens 1/8 to a tablespoon. I use those to measure the powder. 1/16 is half of the one eight measure spoon.