That sounds like the dream herd! Our sheep are calm, come easily to a shaken bucket of corn and the rams, especially, love to come to the gate and get their cheeks and ears scratched and an evening chat…they will come to my voice but working on the hoof in the pasture….probably asking too much! We move them through the crush and get weights and full health work ups in the four to five minutes we have them up..that‘s the best time for us to manage hoof health for me.I have seen Katahdins that are extremely wild but that is due to the way they are handled or usually not handled enough. Our keeper lambs are skittish for a couple of weeks after we wean but usually by the end of that couple of weeks, they are literally eating out of my hand and come running as soon as they see me. They are skittish because they don't get much contact until it is determined that they will be staying on the farm. Our adult sheep are so tame that we can work on their hooves out in the field if we see something that needs to be looked at.
A lot of people prefer their sheep on the wild side especially if they use dogs to work them. We have two herding dogs but I only let them work the sheep rarely for the dogs sake since it's actually easier for me to open a gate and call the sheep in to wherever we are moving. I let the dogs follow the sheep since the sheep are already following me and the dogs get the feeling that they are actually working.![]()
Yep, just had the real estate agent out to look at the place and he recommended the same. I thought that property values had quadrupled in the six years since we bought the place and I would be asking a lot at that….he laughed and shook his head and said that our ten acres with four barns and house with the improvements we’ve made is worth almost double what I was thinking of asking! That would leave us over 3/4 of the sale price sitting in the bank for retirement after paying cash for the 250 acres with house and three barns, buying a tractor and putting up a pole barn for equipment in Tennessee that we have been looking at. He thinks he could sell it in a week If I could move out quickly.With what little you have "revealed" , it sure would not be a quandary for me... I would be gone out of Wash so fast they wouldn't even see the mud flying off the wheels....
Seriously, @Mike CHS and his wife Teresa have some of the nicest looking Katahdins and works at the parasite resistance end... as well as selling some really nice well grown lambs..... You could PM him and I am sure he could tell you more about the state's good and bad angles... I could not live with the politics and the prices out there... and if it is saleable now, that is the time to go before things get too tough and there is no way to sell your place.....
Sounds to me you need to list it and then get gone ASAPYep, just had the real estate agent out to look at the place and he recommended the same. I thought that property values had quadrupled in the six years since we bought the place and I would be asking a lot at that….he laughed and shook his head and said that our ten acres with four barns and house with the improvements we’ve made is worth almost double what I was thinking of asking! That would leave us over 3/4 of the sale price sitting in the bank for retirement after paying cash for the 250 acres with house and three barns, buying a tractor and putting up a pole barn for equipment in Tennessee that we have been looking at. He thinks he could sell it in a week If I could move out quickly.