Overrun with beasties
Hi guys! Alright so, I have several predators where I live (NC), bears, panthers, coyotes, bobcats, domestic and wild dogs. All of those have walked in my yard less than 10 feet from my house just to give you an idea haha. Anyway, we have a 4 acre pasture with a horse, 3 calves, and hopefully soon to be goats. Would an electric fence work to keeping most of those out? I know a panther will just jump it, but we havn't really had a problem with them trying to get any of my animals(plus I have plenty of guns to choose from), the bears, coyotes, and dogs are all different stories, all 3 have killed several of my rabbits (had 2 dogs attack about 3 days ago, killed some of my does, they will be shot on the spot if I see them on my property again), now the bears are turning their attention from my rabbits to the calves. There was a 500 lb bear that just came right up to the house a couple months ago, literally 20 minutes before it did, I was walking in the exact spot. Him and several others have been spotted at the bottom corner of the pasture. (including cubs, oh yay there's a momma around ) Yesterday evening when I was fixing the motion sensor out at the rabbits, one went charging through the woods next to me about 70 feet away, I froze, I had no gun or anything on me except a shovel that was laying on the ground lol. Lucky for me it just kept going! I don't think the bobcats would bother them, but they are all around, I almost walked up on one a few months ago, he was laying down right next to my truck, I was looking at the ground while I was walking, I got about 15-20 feet away, next thing I know I look up and see him running up the hill, about 50 feet away he stopped and started growling at me. As for the panthers, I've never had any problems with them, but they are also everywhere around here, you hear them all the time, saw a few during summer/fall last year in the field next to the pasture. Coyotes are everywhere around here as well, a few got hit by a car down the road from me and some shot. Dogs are one of the most common I have problems with sadly, people let them go around here all the time :/
Sorry for the long post, just trying to give an example of what I'm dealing with!
Sorry for the long post, just trying to give an example of what I'm dealing with!