ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
ksalvagno said:
Electrolytes in the water will help the llama. Buy the horse electrolytes. Cherry is usually a favorite. In this heat I keep electrolytes in the alpacas water buckets all the time. Could also cool him down with the hose on his legs and belly. Sounds like he is heat stressing a bit. That is the one thing that alpacas/llamas easily get is heat stressed. They can go down fast when it really hits them.

Nice pics! :thumbsup
Thanks Karen. I'll get him some electrolytes...I'm sure the whole barnyard could probably benefit from them too.

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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I've enjoyed your journal very much and want to thank you for this opportunity to peak into a life on your farm.

Please let me know if there is another place to go to read about your writing career. I've enjoy the love of reading and admire those who write.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Ms. Research said:
I've enjoyed your journal very much and want to thank you for this opportunity to peak into a life on your farm.

Please let me know if there is another place to go to read about your writing career. I've enjoy the love of reading and admire those who write.
Thank you :D

Right now there is not any place that you can go to read about my writing "career" ...if it can be called that ;) :lol:

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
elevan said:
Ms. Research said:
I've enjoyed your journal very much and want to thank you for this opportunity to peak into a life on your farm.

Please let me know if there is another place to go to read about your writing career. I've enjoy the love of reading and admire those who write.
Thank you :D

Right now there is not any place that you can go to read about my writing "career" ...if it can be called that ;) :lol:
Well was reading about your cookbook and children's books? I think that would be like a "writing career"? I wish you luck on this. I love to read and always wanted to write, but don't have the talent. Or really never tried. I wish you luck in this endeavor.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Ms. Research said:
elevan said:
Ms. Research said:
I've enjoyed your journal very much and want to thank you for this opportunity to peak into a life on your farm.

Please let me know if there is another place to go to read about your writing career. I've enjoy the love of reading and admire those who write.
Thank you :D

Right now there is not any place that you can go to read about my writing "career" ...if it can be called that ;) :lol:
Well was reading about your cookbook and children's books? I think that would be like a "writing career"? I wish you luck on this. I love to read and always wanted to write, but don't have the talent. Or really never tried. I wish you luck in this endeavor.
Thanks again :D

My cookbook stems from friends and family always asking for my recipes. When most would look into a cabinet or a fridge and see little there I see a complex puzzle of ingredients. Many times I throw something together and don't even remember what I put into it :lol: I decided to rein myself in and try to write down what I'm doing...and so my cookbook is currently a work in progress. It is quite exciting that there are already people trying to put in orders for it.

The children's books come from simply listening to my boys and my nephews conversations. My one nephew can spin a tale stranger than a Dr. Suess book! And since I'm surrounded by boys who love to investigate things and then tell a tall tale of them it's easy to spin off of their tales into a book. Right now, I truly only plan to write 4 children's books...one for each boy and each one featuring a separate child. It's my gift to them for the entertainment that they give me with their tales. I've got 2 books almost ready and 2 more still "in my head". We'll see if there will be more beyond that but I don't know.

I've never considered myself a "writer" before I guess. But you're right...if you have written a book then you're a writer :cool:

I consider myself fortunate to be doing what I love right now...raising my boys, having a barnyard full of critters and sharing a few "secrets" via those books.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
We have a new "visitor" on the farm...it's a CRANE or a STORK (not sure which). My boys call it the DORK :lol:

It started visiting about a month ago for a couple of days and then left. It's back and has been around for the past week. Hanging around the big pond until a human walks up and then it will fly up into a high tree. It's a beautiful bird. The boys are immensely afraid that it will eat ALL of their fish! I've let them know that I hope it eats LOTS of FROGS...those frogs drive me crazy at night...there must be millions of them out there!

I would take a picture to share but I don't have a fabulous camera (I should get one) and he kind of blends in with the surroundings.

Now, that I'm typing this out I'm wondering if it's the same bird that visited last month...the one last month was all white and this one is mostly gray with a little bit of white :/

I was sitting outside last night when he flew over the barnyard and his huge shadow sent chicks and hens running for cover...poor babies thought a hawk was upon them!

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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elevan said:
Ms. Research said:
elevan said:
Thank you :D

Right now there is not any place that you can go to read about my writing "career" ...if it can be called that ;) :lol:
Well was reading about your cookbook and children's books? I think that would be like a "writing career"? I wish you luck on this. I love to read and always wanted to write, but don't have the talent. Or really never tried. I wish you luck in this endeavor.
Thanks again :D

My cookbook stems from friends and family always asking for my recipes. When most would look into a cabinet or a fridge and see little there I see a complex puzzle of ingredients. Many times I throw something together and don't even remember what I put into it :lol: I decided to rein myself in and try to write down what I'm doing...and so my cookbook is currently a work in progress. It is quite exciting that there are already people trying to put in orders for it.

The children's books come from simply listening to my boys and my nephews conversations. My one nephew can spin a tale stranger than a Dr. Suess book! And since I'm surrounded by boys who love to investigate things and then tell a tall tale of them it's easy to spin off of their tales into a book. Right now, I truly only plan to write 4 children's books...one for each boy and each one featuring a separate child. It's my gift to them for the entertainment that they give me with their tales. I've got 2 books almost ready and 2 more still "in my head". We'll see if there will be more beyond that but I don't know.

I've never considered myself a "writer" before I guess. But you're right...if you have written a book then you're a writer :cool:

I consider myself fortunate to be doing what I love right now...raising my boys, having a barnyard full of critters and sharing a few "secrets" via those books.
Thanks for that reply. You are living the dream I once had. Except for the cooking part, you make me sick on how you just wipe things together, but I do get by. And IMHO, cookbooks really don't help me. LOL! I guess that's just not my forte.

I never got close to that "barnyard full of critters", but I enjoyed the short dream that unfolded with my son. I know in my heart that your boys will have the best beginning with the dream you so loving talk about. I know because mine told me so before he left.

I look forward to listening to your tales. And the gift of those stories you will give to those boys, are like the gift left for me in a form of comic books. He loved to make me laugh!


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Oh, this heat is awful! I was so afraid I would wake up this morning to find my precious hen, Miss Flufferbottom (Fluffy) dead. She's been having such a hard time with the heat...she's our largest hen (a LF Cochin) and yesterday she kept getting so pale in the comb / wattles almost like she was gonna pass out...panting and holding her wings away from her body too. She's still with us, thank goodness. I just wish this heat would let up. We've not lost any critters to it but I fear if it doesn't let up soon then we probably will.

We're at 84* but the humidity is at 75% making it feel much hotter. I witnessed my little salmon favorelle roo (Jukebox "Charlie") dipping his wings into the water dish for some relief. A lot of the chicks have managed to figure out how to get into the goat buck's barn...which is the coolest place to be.

Dreaming Of Goats

Overrun with beasties
Jul 18, 2010
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elevan said:
Oh, this heat is awful! I was so afraid I would wake up this morning to find my precious hen, Miss Flufferbottom (Fluffy) dead. She's been having such a hard time with the heat...she's our largest hen (a LF Cochin) and yesterday she kept getting so pale in the comb / wattles almost like she was gonna pass out...panting and holding her wings away from her body too. She's still with us, thank goodness. I just wish this heat would let up. We've not lost any critters to it but I fear if it doesn't let up soon then we probably will.

We're at 84* but the humidity is at 75% making it feel much hotter. I witnessed my little salmon favorelle roo (Jukebox "Charlie") dipping his wings into the water dish for some relief. A lot of the chicks have managed to figure out how to get into the goat buck's barn...which is the coolest place to be.
And the stinkiest! :lol: Sorry to hear about your hen, though...


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Dreaming Of Goats said:
elevan said:
Oh, this heat is awful! I was so afraid I would wake up this morning to find my precious hen, Miss Flufferbottom (Fluffy) dead. She's been having such a hard time with the heat...she's our largest hen (a LF Cochin) and yesterday she kept getting so pale in the comb / wattles almost like she was gonna pass out...panting and holding her wings away from her body too. She's still with us, thank goodness. I just wish this heat would let up. We've not lost any critters to it but I fear if it doesn't let up soon then we probably will.

We're at 84* but the humidity is at 75% making it feel much hotter. I witnessed my little salmon favorelle roo (Jukebox "Charlie") dipping his wings into the water dish for some relief. A lot of the chicks have managed to figure out how to get into the goat buck's barn...which is the coolest place to be.
And the stinkiest! :lol: Sorry to hear about your hen, though...
Thanks. We're hoping she'll make it through. But today feels especially hot :/ DH calls Fluffy our little "chicken dog"

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