ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
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N. Kentucky
I hope you feel better.

B sounds like he has a lot of the issues I had as a kid. Only I had a smaller class size and more patient teachers. I was bored, figited, talked in class and caused quite the disruption. Nowadays teachers have too many kids and not enough time to teach all the nonesense they are supposed to teach to handle unruly children. So they drug them up or send them home.

I may be able to come up with a spread sheet embedded with macros for your eggs. What information do you need? I will see what I can do, do you have Excel?


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
jodief100 said:
I may be able to come up with a spread sheet embedded with macros for your eggs. What information do you need? I will see what I can do, do you have Excel?
Yeah, I have excel.

I'm really looking for a multi worksheet type of thing to help me track orders, inventory and forecast future orders.

Basically I want:

Worksheet 1 (Inventory):

Starting Inventory

Date Eggs-In Order-Out

With a running total for me to keep track (even if it shows negative based on forecasted orders)
Worksheet 2 (Orders)

Order Date
Customer Name
Phone Number
Pickup / Deliver Date (would go to worksheet 1 under order out)
Delivery or Pickup
Deliver to
How many dozen (would go to worksheet 1 under order out)
Cost per dozen
Total Order $
Paid (Yes or No...for advance orders)
Referred from
And if possible...

Worksheet 3 (Calendar)

Where Pickup / Deliver Date, how many dozen and customer name would be pulled to it from worksheet 2


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
The day is getting better.

School was cancelled today for some kind of water problem at the school. K decided to have one of his tantrums this morning (he may be bipolar). When he has these episodes, I have to lay on the floor with arms and legs wrapped around him and hold on tight so he doesn't hurt himself or break things. Well, I ended up being kicked, hit, bit and just plain mad and tired. When he finally calmed down I made him sit on his bed, while I continued to lay on the floor. I just couldn't get up...my chest felt heavy, I felt leaden and was having a hard time breathing. I may very well have had a heart attack this morning, who knows as I didn't go get checked out. It eventually passed and I was able to get up. K really has no "memory" of the whole episode.

Then I got a phone call from a former colleague. The insurance company that I used to work for is offering benefits to DH's company and when they presented yesterday they did a horrible job of it. DH asked me to contact the new State Manager of the insurance company (who is a great guy) and let him know that DH was not pleased. Well the State Manager and the Regional Manager both contacted me to tell me that they weren't pleased with their agent either...so I kind of got drug into that whole drama.

Then I had a couple of visitors at the door. Evangelists. Nothing wrong with them, I just don't like unannounced visits where people try to take up a bunch of my time trying to make me see things exactly as they do. Normally I would have just told them to leave but the one lady must have been a 100 and could barely talk and walk...I didn't want to upset her.

And now I have 2 boys doing schooling at home. This isn't a normal thing for K, so he's asking all kinds of questions.


True BYH Addict
Jan 7, 2011
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bonbean01 said:
I've been thinking about your son B....and you know, what I've read on here reminds me of something both my kids have mentioned in the past...they are both teachers...my daughter is a primary teacher and my son a highschool teacher. They have both been bothered that not all children learn the same, but that the system is built for how the majority learn and those that don't fit that get left behind (well not by my kids since they offer extra classes for those kids)...and the other problem they see are the extremely bright and gifted children who get so bored and frustrated by the slow teaching, that they tune out or act out just because they totally lack stimulation with the program and are ready to forge ahead with learning but have to endure hearing the same old for the rest of the class.

I am guessing that B is a very bright and gifted child and they are boring and frustrating him big time!!! This happened to my son in the second grade and they wanted him to skip a grade and I thought that not a good idea since socially he was not a year ahead. The school came up with an enrichment program...he did his regular work, then off to more indepth and stimulating work in another room and that worked great for him...of course to make that happen I became a volunteer at the school and went to part time work instead of full time.

My kids have said that they suspect that some high school drop outs are dropping out only because they are so frustrated....anybeehoo, just thought I'd share this in hopes it might help with B.

P.S.....about the wearing pink...pink is a great colour...one of my grand daughters loves green and wonders why everyone thinks she should only wear pink...it's not easy being green (wink)
We are really fortunate at our school, I am not seeing this, kids are challenged, they are leveled and separated into groups based on that. There were 4 levels of kids in Kindergarten and they challenge each of those levels as they need to be. My son's best friend is gifted and was reading Harry Potter in Kindergarten, and they worked with him by having him have play time with his peers, but he also had extra work given to him and harder assignments and was put in the challenge program. I have never seen him appear bored, they have not bumped him up in grade level. The boys are in 5th grade this year. He does some of the stuff with the class, but he is given extra assignments or more challenging assignments with the same instructional material. He is also asked to help some of the other students.
Maybe in first grade the teachers will be more challenging for him and that will help. I doubt they will restructure their kindergarten class, just so he wont be bored. But making it clear to them that they aren't challenging some of their students enough may help. There are so many things they can be doing with the kids to keep them busy.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Gonna make a run to Rural King later...rumor is that they have turkey poults! Gonna go see what they have cause if I can save on shipping and not having to get 15 turkeys (I only want 7-10) then I'm all for it!



Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
RTG...you are my hero...you home school your kids full time. I'm about to go insane having both boys home and doing schoolwork!


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Well, I couldn't very well let K play while B did his schoolwork. And K's teacher wants him to work on phonics at home. I think I could handle homeschool for B...until he got smarter than me...but K would have me bald from tearing my hair out!