Animal Control opens up at 10am this morning so I'll call them at that time. I'll let them ask the question of whether or not the dog was vaccinated and how they decide to deal with the dog is beyond my control. No, we're not mad at the dog. But even playful bites from a large dog can be dangerous...especially when someone isn't expecting it. The owners should have done more to stop their dog. It was obvious that it has had no obedience training and all they wanted to do was yell stop to the dog and it didn't listen. When that dog was on his hind legs it was as tall as my mom (5' 4") and so while she tried to protect her face she just couldn't.
It looks worse today but that is to be expected. And her face is really sore. She's upset about possible scarring...but the doctor said that even though the wounds were in a zig zag fashion they were clean cut and the skin didn't tear so scarring should be minimal...but still it's her face.
Believe me those owners will be getting the bills and taking responsibility for their failure to stop their dog.
I am sorry. Irresponsible owners make me so mad. It is the dog that suffers.
I was attacked by a dog years ago and the ER took down the information and called Animal Conntrol. They said they are legally required to report dog bites. This was Oregon but it may be the same in Ohio.
The ER only asked if we knew who the dog belonged to and when we said yes they didn't pursue it further. I just left a voicemail with our local dog warden.
Mom is still in bed...she usually gets up at 6am whether she works or not. She's trying to tough out the pain but I made her take an ibuprofen at the very least.
She wants to notify the owner herself that she needed stitches and let the owner see her face later today before the dog warden contacts them.
On better news we've got another broody hen. This time it's Dove, a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. She has taken over the favorite nest box and as far as I'm concerned she can have any egg that's in it or is put in it until she is done with it!
Dove is a mean one when you're stealing eggs normally. Today when I opened the coop door I heard growling. I mistook that it was Cinni and then tried to reach under Dove to take eggs. I literally almost lost fingers. Then I noticed her "posture"...all fanned out, feathers turned up and looking like she has no neck and of course the growling. That box usually has 15 eggs in it on a given in 3 weeks I'll have more chicks.
Sorry to hear about the dog attack. It is a shame that people don't keep better control of their dogs. It is sad that it really isn't the dog's fault. Did you take pictures of all of your mom's injuries?? It might be a good idea just in case you need them later for proof. Hope she heals up quick and doesn't have scars.
Sorry about the dog bite. Glad you and your mom are okay. Overall, it is the owners fault for not getting the dog trained or at the very least keeping the dog tied. Happy to hear you have another broody. I can't wait for my girls to go broody!