A gal I went to school with (whose mother is one of my egg customers) asked if she could bring the kids over to see the animals. I invited her to come and took them into the backyard while DH brought an animal at a time to visit them. Not something that I would normally do but her mom has really been promoting my farm to anyone who will listen. She left with a few dozen eggs too and the one daughter wants to be a farmer so a little education was given as well.
Our hay guy arrived this morning...yeah another round bale I had to do something to keep that dang horse from tearing down fences.
When he was leaving a van full of 7th day Adventists showed up. I sold them eggs DH said it was a ploy, they got eggs and my business card so now they have my phone number. *shakes my head* Normally I don't take well to folks preaching on my doorstep as generally they like to tell you that you're wrong and they're right and their way is the only way. But if you remember a previous post of mine you'll know that this group includes a very elderly lady who I would never tell to leave for fear of giving her a heart attack or something.
Well, the guinea gal is gonna be allowed to set some eggs
K had an appointment this morning with a counselor to discuss some of his "quirks". I really hope that it helps him.
I took K to school after his appointment only to walk in on the principal telling me that he had to talk to me about B. Needless to say that I came home with B in tow. He was found sitting in the hallway this morning after class started eating a granola bar and saying he was waiting for me. Then he stole 6 books from the book swap. Then he got defiant with the principal. The principal said this was the first time in all the issues that B has had that he has gotten defiant with him. So B came home, had lunch and did his afternoon work and is now standing on the wall until school is out at 3:30p. His birthday is the end of this month and he is perilously close to having it cancelled.
So, sorry RTG...he still hasn't earned back camera privileges so that he can do the camera challenges.
Both of these boys and now DH losing his job last week just make for a mess here. DH is so frustrated and so patience is rather thin with him.
Lots of rain today so not much news on the critters as they are hiding out in barns and coops.
I hope your week gets better. Grandma used to say when lots of things are going wrong all at once it is because something amazing is about to happen and your life.
Well, let him know that I miss his pics, and will be glad when he gets his camera back, but for now, he's got to take care of things that are more important!